Entries by Meredith Gaston

The Health Benefits of Coffee Enemas

By Mariela Amiri, Traditional Naturopath & Patient Coordinator  A coffee enema is a type of colon cleanse used in alternative medicine. During the procedure, a mixture of brewed, caffeinated coffee and water is inserted into the colon through the rectum.  The purpose of coffee enemas is to promote the removal of pathogens and free radicals […]

Shedding Light On Lyme Disease

By Mariela Amiri, Traditional Naturopath & Patient Coordinator   May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month, so I want to shed a little light on this all-too-common illness, as well as some of the misinformation surrounding it. Lyme disease is the fastest growing infectious disease in the world. There are more than 400,000 new recorded cases […]

Mold Sensitivity: How This Harmful Toxin Could Be Impacting Your Health

By Anna Powers, ND, Bioenergetic Practitioner Mold is part of the cleanup crew of life. It helps break down debris, so it can return to the earth. To grow, mold needs high humidity and a cellulose-based fuel source such as wood, plants or sheetrock. Mold spores can be tracked into our homes from shoes, clothing, […]


Environmental Illness and Total Body Burden

By Janelle Bertler, Traditional Naturopath   It is true that our bodies have a natural detoxification system. Yet, our world is more toxic today than the times our great grandparents lived in and our bodies just can’t keep up!  Let me introduce you to the idea of the total body burden. We liken the body […]

The Physical, Mental, and Emotional Benefits of Cryotherapy 

By Christy Elphick, CryoStretch Roswell    Life is busy and full and sometimes life can be tough, but when we are not at our best- physically or mentally, the things with which we choose to fill our lives are much harder than they need to be! At CryoStretch Roswell, we aim to help our clients […]

The Importance of Indoor Air Quality to Our Health

By Robby Brown, BreatheWell Air    My relationship with Longevity began over 15 years ago when I was referred by a friend after I discovered we had mold in our home and learned that I am highly allergic to mold. That relationship has grown and evolved over the years and now I have the privilege […]

Healthspan Over Lifespan

An Interview with Dr. Alise Jones-Bailey of Buckhead Functional Medicine    Here at Longevity, we love partnering with like-minded practitioners in the community as we come alongside our patients on their wellness journeys. One of those trusted practitioners is Dr. Alise Jones-Bailey of Buckhead Functional Medicine. Her traditional functional medicine practice specializes in women’s health, […]

Holistic Steps for Caring for Your Pet

An Interview with Dr. Julia Brugliera, DVM, Happy Tails Holistic Veterinary Care Here at Longevity, our patients are always asking us if we can treat their furry family members. The answer is no, but we know someone who can!  Dr. Julia Brugliera is a Veterinarian at Happy Tails Holistic Veterinary Care, just down the road […]