A Holistic Approach to Mental Wellness with Dr. Alice Honican

Dr. Alice Honican was recently interviewed by Julie Miles of Beauty for Broken Life Coaching. Julie works with women who desire to discover the broken rhythms in their lives and move forward to a beautiful transition to whole health: physically, emotionally, and spiritually. 

Dr. Honican sat down with Julie for her Summer Wellness Series to discuss her holistic approach to mental wellness. She walks through the concepts of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, as well as Bioenergetic Testing. Learn more about Dr. Honican’s customized protocols that incorporate a combination of homeopathic  detox remedies, herbs, and supporting detox therapies.

You’ll get to hear all about Dr. Honican’s background, the tools and expertise she’s gained over two decades of practice, and her passion for supporting people as they heal not only physically, but also mentally and emotionally. 

Be sure to tune in for this great conversation! 


Watch on YouTube Now! 


Regulation Thermography & Naturopathic Medicine with Dr. Alice Honican


Our very own Dr. Alice Honican was recently featured on the Lyme Time podcast with Ali of The Tick Chicks. The episode is all about our practice’s unique, multi-faceted approach to treating spirochetes and other tick-borne infections, using bioenergetic testing and a combination of customized homeopathic detox remedies, herbs, and supporting detox therapies.

You’ll get to hear all about Dr. Honican’s background, the tools and expertise she’s gained over two decades of practice, and her passion for supporting people as they heal from chronic illness. You’ll also learn more about Computerized Regulation Thermography and how it serves as another amazing tool for detecting Lyme and other acute and chronic infections.

You don’t want to miss this great conversation!

Tune in on Apple Podcasts                  Listen on Spotify  

Watch on YouTube Now!


In the heart of Roswell, where rejuvenation meets relaxation, and health is the ultimate priority is wHydrate Roswell. A mother-daughter-owned business committed to revitalizing the mind, body, and spirit through the transformative power of IV hydration and vitamin therapy.

For two years, wHydrate Roswell has been serving our community.  Offering a range of customizable IV hydration and vitamin infusion treatments designed to replenish, rehydrate, and recharge. But what exactly makes IV hydration and vitamin therapy so beneficial? Let’s dive into the science behind the magic.

First and foremost, IV hydration therapy delivers essential fluids, electrolytes, and vitamins directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system for immediate absorption. This means that your body can quickly replenish its hydration levels, helping to combat dehydration caused by factors such as intense exercise, travel, illness, or even just a night of indulgence.

But wHydrate Roswell doesn’t stop there. Our curated menu of IV therapies is tailored to address a variety of needs, from boosting immunity and enhancing athletic performance to enhancing beauty and relieving symptoms of migraines or chronic fatigue. With the guidance of our experienced team of wellness experts, each treatment is meticulously crafted to meet the unique needs of every individual who walks through our doors.

Moreover, vitamin therapy offers a potent dose of essential nutrients that are often lacking in our modern diets. Whether it’s vitamin C for immune support, B vitamins for energy production, or antioxidants to combat oxidative stress, our vitamin infusions deliver a targeted boost that can leave you feeling energized, refreshed, and ready to take on whatever life throws your way.

But perhaps the most compelling aspect of wHydrate Roswell is the personalized care and attention that we provide to each and every client. As a family-owned business, we understand the importance of building relationships and creating a welcoming atmosphere where everyone feels valued and supported on their wellness journey.

From the moment you step through our doors, you’ll be greeted with warmth and compassion, as our team works tirelessly to ensure that your experience is nothing short of exceptional. Whether you’re seeking relief from illness, a boost before a big event, or simply a moment of relaxation and rejuvenation, wHydrate Roswell is here to help you look and feel your best.

So why wait? Experience the transformative power of IV hydration and vitamin therapy for yourself at wHydrate Roswell. Your journey to optimal health and wellness starts here.

Experience the ultimate hydration and wellness boost with Whydrate Roswell’s premium or premium+ IV infusion, now with an enticing 30% discount on your first visit! Scan the QR code


By Dr. Bill Rawls, Medical Director of Vital Plan 


It’s tick season again! And with the weather warming, vegetated areas are literally crawling with them! They’re all looking for a blood meal.

Late spring and early summer is peak tick season. Female ticks lay about 2,000-3,000 eggs in spring, which take a month to hatch into larval ticks no bigger than a pinpoint. About the time it warms up enough to put on shorts for the first time is when ticks are most apt to be waiting for you. For a creature that spends most of its life barely moving, you would be amazed at how fast a tick can spring onto your leg and crawl up to find a soft spot. Many ticks are so small that you won’t even notice.

Unfortunately, ticks never travel alone. Ticks carry a variety of different disease-causing microbes including bacteria, viruses, and protozoa. The most well known is Borrelia burgdorferi, the bacteria that causes Lyme disease, but there are many others.

While the threat from ticks is concerning, you don’t have to let it deter you from enjoying the great outdoors this season. Instead, add some natural and effective tick repellants and avoidance techniques to your tick bite prevention plan so that you can soak up the healing power of the outdoors and protect yourself from Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses at the same time.

Tick Avoidance Tricks

The best way to ensure you don’t get bit by a tick is to eliminate close encounters altogether. While that’s not always 100% possible, taking these steps will minimize contact significantly.

1. Wear Protective Clothing.

Before you venture outdoors, pull on a light-colored, long-sleeved shirt and pants that extend all the way down to your feet — especially if you plan on enjoying a wooded area. Long sleeves and pants will act as a barrier to your skin, while light-colored clothing will help you spot ticks more easily.

2. Stay on the Trail.

Whether you’re hiking, biking, or jogging outside, stick to a well-managed path or trail. Ticks are less likely to hang out in sunny, open spaces with minimal leaf litter or brush to conceal them.

3. Perform Regular Self-Checks.

Even the quickest physical contact with vegetation is enough to pick up a tiny hitchhiker. So if you have a close brush with nature, stop and check for ticks. Remember that some ticks are smaller than a pinhead – they can be extremely difficult to spot – so pull out your reading glasses if you have to.

4. Don’t Overlook Your Pets.

Ticks and other blood-sucking insects can also pass on harmful diseases to our furry friends. Have your pets regularly treated to reduce ticks and fleas. When your dog comes inside after running through the yard, check them thoroughly for ticks. Remember: Ticks like to hide in stealthy spots, so check your dog’s gums, ears, toes, tail, groin, and around the collar, along with the rest of the fur.

5. Maintain Your Yard.

Ticks love to hang out in tall grass, so be sure to keep your lawn trimmed this spring and summer. They also enjoy moist, shaded woodpiles. If you stack firewood in your yard, for instance, make sure it’s in a spot that gets some sun to help keep it dry.

You can also use wood to your advantage. Ticks don’t enjoy crossing over rough surfaces, so use wood chips or gravel to create a 3-foot-wide barrier between your lawn and any wooded areas. It’s not foolproof, but it will go a long way toward keeping ticks out of your yard.

6. Replace Deer-Friendly Plants.

As enjoyable as seeing deer in your backyard might be, they often carry Lyme-bearing ticks. Consider removing plants that attract deer if you can, including apple, pear, and cherry trees, as well as rhododendrons, rose bushes, pansies, daisies, lilies, tulips, and black-eyed Susans. Instead, you can replace them with plants that are not typically deer favorites, such as ornamental grass, red osier dogwood shrub, lavender, yarrow, dwarf aster, and creeping juniper groundcover.

Natural Tick Repellents

Most natural tick repellents are made with essential oils, a non-toxic alternative to synthetic insecticides and repellents that can cause skin irritation, dizziness, and disorientation when applied incorrectly. You can make your own natural solutions or buy them readymade online or in many health stores. Here are some chemical-free options for both homemade and store-bought blends you can feel good about:

1. DIY Blends

Rose-Geranium Oil

This essential oil was shown to be highly effective at deterring Lone Star ticks in a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Combine equal parts rose-geranium oil and coconut oil, and apply it regularly to your arms, neck, waist, and ankles.

Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus

Research suggests that a 30% lemon eucalyptus oil preparation can be as effective as DEET in preventing both mosquito and tick bites. To make your own, mix together 30 drops of oil of lemon eucalyptus with 4 ounces of witch hazel (you can also use apple cider vinegar or vodka). Some people also add a teaspoon of vanilla, which may further repel ticks.

Other Essential Oils

Research also suggests clove, thyme, citronella, and oregano compare favorably with DEET, but they must be reapplied more frequently than chemical tick repellants. Combine them with equal parts water or alcohol, shake, and apply.

2. Store-Bought Blends

Murphy’s Naturals Lemon Eucalyptus Oil Insect Repellent: Made with Citriodiol, a clinically proven 30% lemon eucalyptus oil preparation, it should be applied several times a day when spending time outdoors. Citriodiol is the only plant-based ingredient recommended by the CDC for repelling insects.

YAYA Organics Tick Ban: This tick repellent contains 100% plant-based ingredients. It’s full of essential oils that drive away ticks, including geranium, cedar, peppermint, and thyme.

Wondercide Flea, Tick & Mosquito Control for Pets and Home: Use this spray safely in your home or on your pets to help keep your living space tick-free. Wondercide ingredients are 100% naturally derived, including organic, therapeutic-grade essential oils.

3. Chemical Tick Repellants

While botanically-based bug repellants have a lower risk of unpleasant side effects, you may find they are not as effective as chemically-based ones. Below are three chemical tick repellent options that are known to work well.


DEET is the active ingredient in many popular tick and mosquito repellants, and it may be used on your clothing or skin. Although it’s considered the most effective chemical repellent, it can irritate the skin or cause rashes in some people. If you have a sensitivity to DEET, one of the other natural or chemical tick repellents may be a better option for you.


Apply permethrin as directed on the product to your clothing, socks, shoes, and outdoor gear. Note that permethrin isn’t for use on your skin. The chemical repellant is a non-staining, odorless, water-based substance that dries and bonds to cloth fiber. It resists degradation by sunlight, heat, and water. As a synthetic form of natural pyrethrin — a compound in chrysanthemum flowers that’s toxic to insects — permethrin specifically targets the insects’ nervous system and has low toxicity to mammals.


This synthetic compound is made to resemble piperine, a natural component of plants that is used to produce black pepper. Some studies show that picaridin can deliver long-lasting tick protection.

Self-Check and Tick Removal Steps

When prevention doesn’t work, diligent self-checks can help you detect and remove ticks from your body as quickly as possible and reduce the risk of contracting troublemaking microbes. Follow these four steps after you spend time gardening, hiking, picnicking, or enjoying any outdoor activity.

  1. Start with a thorough tick-check on your clothes. If they’re all clear, toss your clothes into the dryer and tumble dry on high heat for at least 10 minutes. Or, wash them in hot water. The high heat will kill any tiny ticks you might have missed.
  2. Before you get dressed again, conduct a full-body check. Ticks prefer warm, moist places, so be sure to check your armpits, in and around your ears, the back of your knees, between your legs, and around your hairline. If you have time, jump in the shower for a final tick check and rinse off.
  3. If you do find a tick, remove it immediately. Use fine-tipped tweezers to grab the tick’s mouthparts as close to the skin’s surface as possible. Don’t twist or jerk the tick — this can cause parts of the insect to break off and remain in the skin. Instead, pull upward with a steady, even motion.
  4. After removing the tick, thoroughly cleanse the bite area using rubbing alcohol, an iodine scrub, or soap and water, and wash your hands. If you wish to get the tick tested for harmful microbes, place it in a jar or plastic bag with a moist cotton ball and send it to a testing lab, such IGenex, Ticknology, or TickReport. To dispose of the tick, submerge it in alcohol, then flush it down the toilet or place it in a sealed bag or container in the trash.

Even with speedy removal, contact your healthcare provider about the bite. Because Lyme disease testing can be inaccurate in the early stages, some physicians may wish to treat you with a preventatively rather than adopt a wait-and-see approach. Note: Not everyone who contracts Lyme disease develops the classic bull’s-eye rash, but if you do, that’s the telltale sign you’ve contracted the tick-borne illness and should seek treatment.

Finally, remember that maintaining a strong immune system is key to fending off any tick-borne illness: Utilizing a comprehensive herbal therapy protocol, following a healthy and plant-heavy diet, staying physically active, and minimizing toxin exposure and stress is your absolute best recipe for optimizing your health and wellness.

Embrace Herbs for Added Protection

Up to half of people with a history of embedded tick will develop chronic symptoms (arthritis, fatigue) within 4-6 weeks of the bite, despite antibiotic therapy. Most of these symptoms gradually clear with time, but some people will develop chronic disease. Herbal therapy has been shown to suppress microbes, bolster cellular health, and enhance immune function.

A few of my favorite herbs for protecting against tick-borne illnesses include: andrographis, cat’s claw bark, Japanese knotweed, reishi mushroom, and Chinese skullcap.

Don’t let the threat of ticks keep you from going outdoors this season. Utilize the advice above and keep a vigilant eye, and enjoy an active, fearless summer!

Dr. Rawls is a physician who overcame Lyme disease through natural herbal therapy. You can learn more about holistic steps for treating Lyme disease in Dr. Rawls’ best selling book, Unlocking Lyme. You can also learn about Dr. Rawls’ personal journey in overcoming Lyme disease and fibromyalgia in his popular blog post, My Chronic Lyme Journey.


By Lina Valiukaite, Licensed Aesthetician & Certified Classical Homeopath



When we talk about the gut, we often hear about a variety of diet advice and maintaining a healthy weight. The truth is, your gut has a deeper story.

There’s more to it than just digestion. It’s intricately linked to our brains, commonly known as the gut-brain connection.

Your gut health influences your emotions and thoughts. Beyond food, it’s about nurturing this internal harmony to enhance our overall well-being.

If you want to improve your mental health and get rid of chronic pain, healing your gut is the best way to start.

Here’s everything you need to know to lay a strong foundation for your gut health and, in turn, your holistic health.

Understanding Your Gut Microbiome

Microorganisms like bacteria, fungi, and viruses live in your gut and form a complex community. 

This ecosystem is vital for breaking down food, making nutrients, protecting against dangerous pathogens, and producing neurotransmitters such as serotonin that send chemical signals to your brain. 

Why does the gut microbiome matter?

We have a mutually beneficial relationship with the microorganisms that live in our guts. We give them food and shelter, and in turn, they uphold our health and connection to the earth.


You can compare the gut microbiome to a rich native garden that has a variety of plants. When the soil is in good health, the plants thrive and are good to eat. When the soil health isn’t the best, it leaves more room for harmful organisms to take over your garden, and the plants suffer.


Gut bacteria (microbiome) produce hundreds of neurochemicals that the brain uses to regulate basic physiological processes such as learning, memory, and mood! 


Your gut bacteria produce 90%–95% of your serotonin (happy hormone) supply, which influences your mood! This can explain a lot when it comes to anxiety and depression.

Common health issues caused by an unhealthy gut

Dysbiosis is when your delicate environment is out of balance. 

Lots of different health problems can happen because of it, from stomach problems to more serious conditions like autoimmune diseases and even mental health problems.

The Cleveland Clinic shared a list of health conditions and disorders that relate to dysbiosis:

  • Infections: Harmful germs can cause gut infections, leading to diarrhea, gut inflammation, and damage.
  • Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO): Bacteria from your large intestine have moved to your small intestine and settled there, even though they don’t belong there. 
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD): autoimmune conditions like Crohn’s disease are linked to gut imbalance.
  • Atherosclerosis: Certain gut bacteria increase heart disease risk by producing harmful byproducts affecting arteries.

Other than that, here’s a list of health conditions that may be indirectly related to gut dysbiosis:

  • Allergies.
  • Anxiety.
  • Asthma.
  • Autism.
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).
  • Colon cancer.
  • Diabetes.
  • Depression.
  • Fatty liver disease.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
  • Liver cancer.
  • Multiple sclerosis (MS).
  • Neurodegenerative diseases.
  • Obesity.
  • Pancreatic cancer.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

For good health, the microbiome in our guts needs to be varied and balanced. This shows how important it is to take care of this complicated system.

The 5 Signs of an Unhealthy Gut [and How to Deal with Them]

Aside from chronic illnesses, some signs can disguise themselves as “simple problems” we encounter daily. Spotting these early can make a huge difference to your health and happiness.

Here are the five signs your gut might be trying to get your attention:


Warning Signs What’s happening What you can do:
Constant Stomach Trouble  If you’re often dealing with gas, bloating, or an upset stomach, it’s your body waving a red flag. Try eating more slowly, adding more fiber to your diet, and drinking plenty of water.
Your Weight’s on a Rollercoaster Gaining or losing weight without changing your diet or exercise habits? Your gut might be the reason. Keep a detailed food diary to spot any patterns. Reflect on how you feel after you consume your food and beverage. Once you spot your troublemakers, slowly remove them from your diet. 
Feeling Tired All the Time If you’re sleeping enough but still feel exhausted, a troubled gut might be disrupting your sleep. Eat a lighter meal for dinner. Give yourself three hours between your meal and bedtime. Take magnesium glycinate before bed. 

(Quick note: If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician before making any changes to your diet.)

Skin Issues Won’t Go Away Persistent skin problems like acne or eczema can sometimes be linked to gut health. Start your morning with 16–32 ounces of warm spring water, using 2-3 freshly squeezed lemons or key limes. 

Follow up with fresh celery juice 30 minutes later. Start with 8 oz. and work your way up to 32oz.

Consistent Sugar Cravings A constant, uncontrollable craving for sugar and junk food. Start your morning with 16–32 ounces of warm spring water, using 2-3 freshly squeezed lemons or key limes. 

Fruit is nature’s candy that heals! Eat fresh, whole fruit for the first 6 hours of the day and increase your vegetable intake.

Supplement recommendations: amino acids, such as Purium products. Use the code thehealthymove1 to get a discount. 

(Quick note: If you are taking medication, please consult your physician before taking any supplement.)


Did any of these signs sound familiar? 


Knowing what’s up is the first step to feeling better. But figuring out what to do next can feel overwhelming.


That’s why I want to share something with you that’s helped many people get their gut health back on track.


Caring for Your Gut

Caring for your gut is not just about what you eat; it’s about nurturing your entire being. Rejuvenate your gut health with these three transformative steps.

Step 1: Basic Detox

Kickstart your journey with a foundational detox to purify your gut from the inside out. Embrace these key practices:

  • Mindful Eating: Slow down and savor your meals to enhance digestion and absorption.
  • Plant-Based Whole Foods: Fill your plate with a rainbow of fiber-rich fruits and vegetables.
  • Hydration: Drink plenty of clean, spring water to flush out toxins and keep your digestive system running smoothly.

Step 2: Take Healthy Supplements

Incorporating high-quality supplements into your gut health regimen can significantly enhance your gut microbiome. 

Purium’s Ultimate Lifestyle Transformation packs are designed to support your body’s natural detoxification process, promote gut health, and boost your overall energy levels. 

Each pack is meticulously crafted to nourish your body with vegan protein, greens, healthy fats, and organic superfruits, providing a comprehensive approach to gut health. The best part about these whole food supplements is that they come from farmers who practice regenerative farming. Meaning the health of the soil is their priority. Healthy soil equals a healthy body! 

For a detailed exploration of these transformative products and to find the perfect match for your health goals, visit this page. Use the code thehealthymove1 at checkout to receive a discount! 

Step 3: Lifestyle Transformation

True wellness extends beyond diet; it encompasses every aspect of life. I incorporate holistic lifestyle practices to cultivate lasting gut health.

  • Mindful Practices: Engage in yoga and meditation to reduce stress and enhance mental clarity.
  • Restorative Sleep: Prioritize quality sleep to support gut repair and rejuvenation.
  • Physical Activity: Stay active to improve gut motility and overall health.

Introducing “Reboot”: Your Path to Holistic Health

True wellness goes beyond a healthy diet. It’s about creating harmony between your mind, body, and spirit for a holistic approach to well-being. 

I’ve witnessed the silent battles that hard workers often face: stress, body pains, gut problems, and the quest for work-life harmony.

“Reboot” is a transformative 90-day detox program designed exclusively for dedicated people like you. 

It’s a comprehensive mind, body, and spirit rejuvenation tailored to fit busy schedules. My approach focuses on foundational health, aiming to align your lifestyle with your deepest values and purpose, ensuring you don’t just survive your days but truly thrive. 

What’s in it for you?

  • Holistic Gut Healing: Discover strategies to nurture your gut health, laying the foundation for a vibrant life free from chronic discomfort.
  • Work-Life Harmony: Learn techniques to balance your professional ambitions with personal well-being, leading to improved sleep, heightened confidence, and a profound sense of fulfillment.
  • Sustainable Wellness Transformation: Learn about habits that will improve your health and make you feel good for a long time. Make your good changes a permanent part of your life.

This program is your gateway to where your health propels your success, not hinders it. This program is an investment in your most valuable asset, yourself. 

If you’re ready to elevate your health to match your ambitions, let’s do this! 

Book your FREE STRATEGY CALL today, and let’s talk about what you can do to live a vibrant, fulfilling life. 




As a special gift to you, I’m delighted to offer a 10% discount on our transformative 90-day Mind-Body-Spirit Detox. 

Moreover, receive a $200 gift certificate for Longevity, your wellness partner!

For a detailed overview of how “Reboot!” can change your life, visit my website.

I’m excited to be with you on this journey.

Here at Longevity, our mission is to love God and serve people, and we love hearing stories from patients who have experienced amazing transformations with their health. Enjoy this interview with our patient, Philip, as he shares his story of improved health and quality of life!


Describe your primary health concerns when you first started at Longevity. 

After 12 years of symptoms, I had finally been diagnosed with Lyme and several coinfections by a pioneer in the Lyme field. After a year and half of multiple rounds of highly damaging and ineffective antibiotics, I was told that the Lyme would never be eradicated and I should expect to be on antibiotics for the rest of my life. I had a level 10 headache from the moment I woke till I fell asleep, crippling fatigue, and paralyzing Herxheimer reactions every two weeks. In addition to that, the bacteria had spread to my brain, and begun to cause brain fog. The absolute lack of any hope began stirring up suicidal ideation.


What was your first visit to our office like? What was your initial and ongoing response to the treatments?

I was treated very kindly by the founder, Seneca Anderson. He sat across from me, looked me in the eyes, and said “You’re not going to die.” I cried, because it was the first time anyone spoke so confidently towards me and what seemed like an absolutely hopeless situation. I began the treatment plan, and within six months saw significant changes. I continued to return to Longevity for follow up evaluations as my body slowly healed.


Describe your overall health picture today. What improvements have you experienced over the years?

I have not tested positive for Lyme for over 3 years. My headaches have disappeared. My fatigue has diminished significantly, and the debilitating Herxheimer reactions are no longer recurring. Most importantly, the hopelessness that engulfed me is now gone. I realized that my condition is not permanent and I am able to live a life that not only has energy, but hope for a vibrant future.


What is your overall impression of Longevity Health Center, the practitioners and staff?

From the receptionists to the founders, every person was so incredibly patient, kind, and professional. When first arriving at Longevity, I had many questions, all of which were answered thoroughly, giving me a high level of confidence that my treatments were being carried out by highly competent practitioners.

If you have a testimonial to share, we’d love to hear from you and use your story to encourage others!


An Interview with Dr. Kathryn Hale, Abundant Health Life 


Here at Longevity, we love partnering with and promoting like-minded practitioners in the community as we come alongside our patients on their wellness journeys. One of those practitioners is Dr. Kathryn Hale. 


Dr. Hale is a board-certified OBGYN with specialized training in Functional Medicine and Integrative Women’s Health. She has nearly a decade and a half of experience in Obstetrics and Gynecology. She completed her internship and residency at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, receiving valuable high-risk experience at The Regional Medical Center in Memphis. She served at a community health center in South Carolina before moving to North Georgia, where she practiced for over seven years as part of a single specialty group. She has also spent the past few years working as a Diplomat OBGYN Hospitalist with OB Hospitalist Group. 


Dr. Hale believes we are designed to live a whole and vibrant life now, and we can achieve an abundant, healthy life through a holistic approach to wellness. The conditions she treats include hypothyroidism and other endocrine disorders, and hormone imbalances. She also provides preconception/fertility and weight loss support. 


We interviewed Dr. Hale to learn more about her practice and the integrative services she offers. 


What is the heart and mission behind your practice and the work you do?  


I want to empower women to achieve the health and vitality they deserve to live life on their terms. 


When it comes to their reproductive and hormonal health, what do you think is the biggest obstacle or risk factor facing women today? What do you wish more women knew when it comes to their overall health and wellness?


The biggest obstacle facing women’s health is that women are often just not heard when they seek care. I wish more women knew that they deserve the time and investment it takes to make their health a priority. If they are well, the benefits trickle down to those they love and care about. They deserve to be well nourished and have the strength and energy to meet the demands of their lives. Achieving better health doesn’t have to be complicated. Simple sustainable shifts can alter  the trajectory of your health journey.


So many of our female patients come to us with insomnia issues. What are your recommendations for getting more restorative sleep? 


I recommend that women treat their sleep like they treat babies learning to sleep at night. Establish a consistent sleep schedule.  Develop a wind down routine that includes blue blocking  glasses from sundown, shutting down electronics at least an hour before bedtime. Create safety in your body through relaxation practices such as epsom salt baths and yoga. Release the day by dumping thoughts into a journal. Some women also benefit from natural progesterone supplementation, magnesium glycinate and herbs and supplements that help to calm the nervous system like Lavender and L-theanine. Cut out the afternoon caffeine if you struggle with sleep. 


What are some simple steps women  can take today to manage stress, prevent disease, and feel more whole and vibrant in mind, body, and spirit? 


Slow down. Many women that I see are burned out and suffering the consequences of hormone dysfunction and autoimmune disease. Prioritize hydration, a nutrient dense diet, regular movement and spiritual/mind body practices. I’ve also been discovering more and more that women suffer from lack of meaningful connection and prioritizing joy. 


Our practice takes a preventative approach to women’s health, utilizing proactive testing to assess disease development and holistic supporting therapies to promote detoxification. How can our practices work hand-in-hand to help our clients feel their very best?  


I love that. I am definitely a fan of regular comprehensive detox and taking a proactive approach to wellness. I have the knowledge and experience to support the whole woman when situations arise that require more expertise in terms of hormonal health and women’s health in general. Abundant Health Life can come alongside Longevity Health when Functional Testing is needed to dig deeper and get to the root of what is impacting a woman’s health. We also offer a wide range of nutrition, hormonal, herbal and if need be pharmaceutical therapeutics to help a woman heal from the inside out. As a telemedicine practice, we also bring this type of care to women who, due to the logistics of life or geography, have challenges in accessing whole body wellness services.


To learn more about Dr. Hale and her practice, visit https://www.abundanthealthlife.com/ 

An Interview with Dr. Jason Reingold MD, FACC, North Atlanta Heart and Vascular Specialist


Here at Longevity, we love partnering with like-minded practitioners in the community as we come alongside our patients on their wellness journeys. One of those practitioners is North Atlanta Heart and Vascular Specialist Dr. Jason Reingold. 

Dr. Reingold graduated from Emory University School of Medicine and trained at Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School. His  clinical and research expertise focuses on the prevention and reversal of heart and vascular disease in both the young and the elderly and across diverse, multi ethnic populations. He also has a special interest in the overlap of cardiovascular disease with weight management, kidney disease, and diabetes with expertise in lifestyle interventions. He was recently featured in the Atlanta Jewish Times in an article about heart disease prevention in women, specifically during pregnancy, middle age, and during menopause. 

We interviewed Dr. Reingold to learn more about his practice, the integrative services he offers, and his holistic approach to cardiovascular health and overall wellness. 


What is the heart and mission behind your practice and the work you do? 

I started Georgia Integrative Cardiology to provide comprehensive and patient-centered care that promotes optimal heart health by combining conventional medical treatments with evidence-based complementary and alternative therapies.  We aim to address the root causes of cardiovascular issues and empower patients to take an active role in their own health. 


What do you think is the biggest health factor or risk facing people when it comes to their cardiovascular wellness?

Cardiovascular disease is often referred to as a “lifestyle disease” because it is strongly influenced by the choices and habits that individuals adopt as part of their daily lives. Lifestyle plays a significant role in the development and progression of many types of cardiovascular diseases. 


What do you wish more people understood when it comes to their heart health? 

The term “lifestyle disease” also underscores the potential for preventing and even reversing cardiovascular disease through positive lifestyle changes. Adopting a heart-healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, regular physical activity, stress management, and avoiding harmful habits like smoking, can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular issues and improve overall heart health.


What are some simple holistic steps people can take today to support good cardiovascular function? 

The American Heart Association  lays out a list of recommendations entitled Life’s Essential 8™ 


Eat a healthy diet consistent with American Heart Association recommendations. 

  1. Get at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity (or a combination of both) each week.
  2. Don’t smoke, vape or use other tobacco products and avoid second-hand smoke. 
  3. Aim for an average of 7 to 9 hours of sleep a day. 
  4. Reach and maintain a healthy body weight (body mass index less than 25 kg/m2). 
  5. Get your cholesterol checked and talk  to your health care professional about your numbers and how they impact your overall risk.
  6. Keep fasting blood sugar less than 100 mg/dL or an A1C of less than 5.7%. 
  7. Keep blood pressure below 120/80 mm Hg.


Our practice takes a preventative approach to cardiovascular health, utilizing proactive testing to assess disease development and holistic detoxifying therapies to promote good vascular and lymphatic circulation. How can our practices work hand-in-hand to help our clients treat and get to the root cause of heart problems?

We can help identify the presence of subclinical atherosclerosis that is the precursor to heart attack and stroke.  We can measure biomarkers that contribute to the development and rupture of plaque that leads to cardiovascular disorders. 


 To learn more about Dr. Reingold and his practice, visit https://drjasonreingold.com/ 


An Interview with Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Niccole Edwins of Explore Health and Wellness Pediatrics

Our patients are always on the hunt for a pediatrician that will respect and support them in their holistic nutrition and lifestyle efforts, and we often refer them to Niccole Edwins, Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner at Explore Health and Wellness Pediatrics.

We love that in addition to her wealth of knowledge and experience treating children, Niccole is well-versed in children’s homeopathic remedies and natural supplements and recommends them often for her patients. She strives to get to the root cause of health conditions in children.

As we head into back-to-school season, we sat down with Niccole to hear her advice for preparing kids’ immune systems for a healthy and happy school year. Enjoy this Q&A, and learn more about Explore Health and Wellness Pediatrics at https://www.goexplorehealth.com/pediatric-medicine

What are some ways to boost kids’ immune systems as they prepare to head back to school? 

I am a firm believer in good nutrition being the best medicine! Some of my favorite supplements are vitamin D3, vitamin C, zinc, probiotics, elderberry and an omega supplement. I recommended discussing what regimen would be best for you with your health care practitioner.

What are some ways to boost kids’ focus as they return to classroom learning? 

Get outside and play! Children need good sleep and for most children I recommended 10-12 hours of sleep at night. Ensure a well-balanced diet and keep  sugars and processed foods to a minimum. The cliche, but very valuable saying of “the most important meal of the day is breakfast” really to rings true.  Reducing and keeping electronic stimulation to a minimum helps greatly.

How can parents support kids’ mental and emotional health after the trying and disruptive pandemic years? 

The pandemic was a tough season for everyone! It’s been challenging for families to reestablish a new routine since then. Keeping open communication, focusing on the positive, socializing and getting back into a routine can all help promote mental and emotional health. Children thrive on consistency, so trying to maintain a “schedule” to some extent is beneficial for them. I know I seem repetitive, but nutrition, physical activity and sleep also affect mental and emotional health.  Finding something your child really enjoys doing and encouraging that for at least 30 minutes a day can reduce stress levels. I recommend for parents to closely monitor for changes in behaviors (emotional, physical, mental, etc.) and if changes are occurring, talk with your healthcare practitioner for further assistance.

What are some tips for boosting kids’ nutrition and supporting their growing brains and bodies? 

Children are very impressionable. Therefore, it’s crucial for parents to set the example by eating a well balanced diet. Fresh fruits and vegetables, protein and incorporating good fats (avocado, nut butters, oils, salmon, flax and chia seeds) can boost growth and development. Vitamin D3, probiotics, omegas and multivitamins are just a few I routinely discuss with families.

Do you have any tips for parents of picky eaters? 

Constant re-exposure to foods is key. Getting creative with the presentation of food from how it is served, what it is served on, how it is cooked, etc. helps. Have the child help you in the kitchen. Cooking with your child is fun and they will end up taste testing along the way. Food pickiness can stem from a power struggle, so offering choices allows the child to feel like they are in control, while you get them to eat what you’d like.  For example, you can ask “what bowl would you like to eat from, the red bowl or the blue bowl?” Try not to get frustrated or discouraged, but instead make food fun. If picky eating continues to be a struggle, I encourage you to speak with your healthcare provider to see if there may be a reason behind “picky” eater.