By Christy Elphick, CryoStretch Roswell 


Life is busy and full and sometimes life can be tough, but when we are not at our best- physically or mentally, the things with which we choose to fill our lives are much harder than they need to be! At CryoStretch Roswell, we aim to help our clients get back to the full and busy, wonderful things that fill their lives and give them joy! 


Many people have casually strolled through our front doors with looks of wonder on their faces and inquisition in their voices. They were perhaps walking or driving by our storefront or heard of us from a friend of a friend who was sharing their experience. Is it not uncommon for us to hear questions or comments like, “What is cryotherapy?” and “Does it really work?” or “Wow, you have so much to offer here.” While we would love for you to come check us out so we can meet in person, here are some answers to these common questions and more!


What is Cryotherapy and why is it so beneficial?

At CryoStretch Roswell, we offer an electric powered cryotherapy whole body chamber.

Much like putting ice on an injury or bruise to help reduce swelling or pain in that specific area, whole body cryotherapy works to treat inflammation, but on a systemic scale. The sudden exposure to the extreme cold causes a shunting of the blood in your extremities to your core to protect your vital organs. As a result of the rewarming process, where the stagnant blood once was, there is restoration of blood flow, now full of white blood cells which are your body’s protective, healing cells. 


In addition to the benefits of decreased inflammation and increased protection from infections, cryotherapy also has helpful mental benefits. The exposure to the extreme cold causes the release of adrenaline, dopamine and endorphins thus improving mental clarity, and even decreased symptoms of anxiety, depression, and compulsion. We assure you, it’s cold in there but much more tolerable than a cold shower or ice bath!


What other services do you offer?

We have five recovery services that we offer, along with several Cryoskin therapies such as facials, slimming and toning. Beyond whole body cryotherapy, we have an infrared sauna, localized cryotherapy, stretching, and NormaTec compression therapy.

Benefits of the infrared sauna are pretty amazing as well and are often appreciated by our clients after they get out of the cryotherapy chamber. Unlike traditional saunas that heat the air in the sauna, infrared saunas internally heat your body. Some of the many benefits include, improved sleep, better relaxation, improvement in joint and muscle pain, improved circulation, weight loss and better circulation.


Sometimes our clients want the benefit of cryotherapy without getting into our chamber. In that case, we offer local cryotherapy, where a targeted stream of nitrogen based cold vapors cool the tissue in a specified area, acting much like an ice pack, but better!


Stretching is one of those activities that many people simply don’t take the time to do or do it effectively. Our stretching team is specially trained and uses an assisted stretching routine to offer our clients increased flexibility and protection from injury. We have many clients who have made a stretch visit part of their daily activity because they have greatly benefited from increased mobility as a result of a stretch.


NormaTec, otherwise known as compression therapy, not only feels amazing, but offers impressive recovery benefits. We have thigh high boots that provide compression of your entire leg, hip sleeves for compression of your upper thighs and hips, or arm sleeves for your shoulders and arms. The compression sleeves help your muscles recover more quickly after a workout, often preventing the soreness and tightness that many athletes experience after a workout. The action of the compression sleeves helps improve blood, moves lactic acid out of the muscle, and massages your sore muscles.


Who are your typical clients?

This is actually a tricky question to answer because we see so many different clients in many different seasons of life. From young elementary school age athletes, middle and high school athletes, to collegiate level athletes. We have adults who spend their free time on the tennis courts, golf courses, and hockey rinks, to older adults who come to see us to help restore their flexibility and overall well being. We truly have something for everyone!


So, we invite you to come and check us out to help you get back on the path of your full and wonderful life! Mention Longevity to receive 30% off any regularly priced individual service or Package.


Learn more at 


By Robby Brown, BreatheWell Air 


My relationship with Longevity began over 15 years ago when I was referred by a friend after I discovered we had mold in our home and learned that I am highly allergic to mold. That relationship has grown and evolved over the years and now I have the privilege of assisting many Longevity patients as they seek to improve their indoor air quality (IAQ).

Once you realize you are in the “mold club” which 1 in 4 people are prone to be, you recognize that mold lurks not only at home but also work, shopping, hotels, vacation rentals, and – even worse- relatives’ homes! That is why I am passionate about helping others navigate the broad issue of IAQ and the specific problems presented by mold.

Our goal is to advise our customers by identifying IAQ issues they face and develop and implement a plan to remedy. In implementation we take a layered approach- meaning we start with the remedies that are deemed essential and then reevaluate afterwards to determine if further action is required. Not only is this approach prudent but it enables our customers to take steps as their budget allows.

For those of us who live in the humid southeast, mold is a dominant IAQ problem. Following are a few important facts to consider when evaluating mold issues:

  • Most mold we encounter is not obvious black spots on a wall (more typical of water leaks) but a more subtle, vague, grayish color which is not easily recognizable.
  • The two most critical factors involved with all mold growth are:
    • Controlling humidity
    • Eliminating food sources for mold
  • Humidity in your home must be kept below 50% to control mold growth. This includes both conditioned and unconditioned spaces like crawl space or unfinished basement.
  • In most mold situations, large commercial dehumidifiers ducted into the HVAC system are required to control humidity. Typically, small portable dehumidifiers are not enough to control whole-house humidity.
  • One of the most surprising but common sources of mold is found in the HVAC system. Besides poor filtration, a major issue we see frequently is plenums (or even trunk lines) made of duct board. This is a fibrous material and when cold, moist AC air is added it becomes like a petri dish and mold flourishes. The only solution is removing and replacing with sheet metal.

When assessing mold each situation is unique and often we identify problems without running a mold test. However, when a test is required we use AirAnswers- a recently developed, patented testing device which we run for 24-hours. During the test period the silent device captures over 200,000 liters of air on a steel cartridge. The cartridge is shipped to a lab for testing to determine if live, active mold is growing and then genera, and/or mycotoxins tests are available as needed. Much like the food we buy, this process puts a “nutritional label” on your air.

Last, while much of our business as well as the above information is mold related, the importance of IAQ and proper filtration is often overlooked. It is estimated that we spend 90% of our time indoors. Thus, the obvious importance of breathing healthy air which by definition is determined by the number and size particles in the air we breathe. The problem is that particles are unseen and according to the medical experts such as American Lung Association and American Heart Association, the smaller particles cause the most damage to our health.

It is very common in homes and smaller office environments to only have 1-inch filters (measuring depth). Generally, these do not filter out the smaller particles and mostly capture larger particles like dust. We use a laser particle scanner to test each environment and focus on the ultrafine particle sizes. To provide some context, the width of a human hair is about 100 microns in width. Ultrafine particle sizes we measure are 2.5 micron and 0.03 microns. These unseen tiny particles are the most dangerous as they are so small that they can enter our bloodstream and go to our heart, lungs, etc.

A valuable step in improving IAQ is to have a more significant filter cabinet installed and we recommend a 5-inch depth and use a high-grade MERV filter to make significant improvements in IAQ. This, along with high quality portable air purifiers, can make a significant impact on the quality of air you breathe and on your overall health.

In summary, IAQ is no respecter of house size or price. All houses are basic structures with HVAC systems and face the same environmental issues. But be encouraged as virtually all IAQ issues can be resolved and you can BreatheWell in your home.

Learn more at 

An Interview with Dr. Alise Jones-Bailey of Buckhead Functional Medicine 


Here at Longevity, we love partnering with like-minded practitioners in the community as we come alongside our patients on their wellness journeys. One of those trusted practitioners is Dr. Alise Jones-Bailey of Buckhead Functional Medicine. Her traditional functional medicine practice specializes in women’s health, digestive disorders, weight loss, cardiovascular disease, diabetes prevention, hormonal health, and immune system deficiencies.


We sat down with Dr. Jones-Bailey for a little Q&A to learn more about her practice, the services she offers, and her approach to overall health and wellness. 


What is the heart and mission behind your practice and the work you do? 


I am board certified in OB/Gyn and certified in Functional Medicine. The word doctor is derived from the Latin verb “docere’ meaning to teach. The mission behind my practice is to educate my patients health and disease while showing them the evidence based functional medicine practices. These practices promote prevention and ” healthspan over lifespan.”


What do you think is the biggest health factor or risk facing women today? 


Stress in my opinion, followed by obesity. This is so often behind mental and physical challenges many of us experience. Obesity is a risk factor for breast cancer, uterine cancer, colon cancer, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and others.


So many of our patients are concerned about hormonal health and its impact on their metabolism/weight, reproductive health, mood, and energy. What kind of approach do you take on hormone balance, and what services do you offer in this department? 


Hormonal health for both men and women is key to health and a sense of well being. Whether we are talking about sex hormones, stress hormones, sleep hormones or thyroid hormones, they all work collaboratively. Measuring and monitoring are key tools to hormone optimization.


What do you wish women understood when it comes to understanding and balancing their hormones?


Women experience many hormone transition periods throughout their lives as do men. From childhood to puberty to childbearing years, menopause and postmenopause hormone dynamics are at play. Understanding these transitions and proactively managing them via lifestyle supportive practices is the key to navigating! Specifically, adequate sleep, a quality diet, exercise, adequate water intake, spiritual practices, community and daily sunlight lie at the core.


Our practice takes a preventative approach to breast and reproductive health, utilizing proactive thermography testing to assess disease development and holistic detoxifying therapies such as lymphatic drainage massage. How can our practices work hand-in-hand to help our clients treat and get to the root cause of female health issues?


I love that your practice does such a phenomenal job with a proactive approach to female breast health! Recognizing that 80% of breast cancer is fueled by estrogen, all practices that support modulating estrogen are critical tools. Looking at lifestyle and genetic predispositions are important, allowing you to decrease risk factors as much as possible. Anti-estrogen and anti-inflammatory dietary nutrients from fiber, flaxseed, cocoa, aloe vera, cruciferous veggies, tumeric and seaweed to name a few are supportive here. Limiting alcohol, the less the better as studies are conflicting in this area. 


We can continue to work collaboratively with your patients by understanding individual risks,

and “test don’t guess!”  Look at genetics, look at hormone metabolism, look at genetic predisposing factors, and measure so you can see your progress in lowering or eliminating risk factors.


What advice or recommendations  do you have for our clients who are setting their 2023 wellness resolutions and goals this month? How can they get the most “bang for their buck” as they set new rhythms and habits for the year ahead? 


  • Leverage the power of lifestyle medicine. An excellent publication called The Original Prescription by Thomas Gilliams so eloquently reviews the science behind this concept and practice.
  • Let food be your medicine.
  • Limit environmental toxic exposures.
  • Control your thoughts with positivity and gratitude practices.
  • Get quality sleep.
  • Get daily sunlight for 60 minutes a day, winter or summer.
  • Turn off all electronics at least an hour before bedtime.
  • Engage a mindfulness or meditation daily practice.
  • Take care of your gut or the microbiome with pre and probiotics.


To learn more about Dr. Jones-Bailey and Buckhead Functional Medicine, visit 


An Interview with Dr. Julia Brugliera, DVM, Happy Tails Holistic Veterinary Care

Here at Longevity, our patients are always asking us if we can treat their furry family members. The answer is no, but we know someone who can! 

Dr. Julia Brugliera is a Veterinarian at Happy Tails Holistic Veterinary Care, just down the road from our office in Roswell, and our staff members and patients rave about her practice! Dr. Julia has been practicing small animal medicine, holistic medicine and surgery in the Atlanta area since 2009.

We sat down with Dr. Julia to talk about some holistic steps you can take to complement your pet’s traditional veterinary care so you can keep your four-legged fur baby healthy and happy!


Tell us a little about your practice and your integrative approach to veterinary medicine. 

We look at the pet’s entire lifestyle, including diet and exercise to determine the best treatment plan.  We use a combination of the best traditional and integrative services to support optimal health.  


What kind of holistic services does your practice offer for pets?

We offer acupuncture, laser, Chinese herbal therapies, glandular supplements, chiropractic care, assisted lymphatic therapy, as well as ozone therapy to achieve optimal wellness and detoxification.  We also have a hyperbaric chamber and sound wave therapy along with PEMF and infrared mats.


What is your practice’s approach to preventative care for pets? 

We tailor preventative care for each pet’s lifestyle.  Some pets may only need a Rabies vaccine or sometimes no vaccines at all if they have a chronic disease process.  We do recommend annual wellness blood work, fecal testing, heartworm testing, as well as functional medicine to check vitamin levels.  We offer a cancer screening panel which is a non-invasive blood test checking two enzymes to see if there are any pre-existing risk factors. We also offer traditional x-ray, ultrasound, in house lab work, and general surgery and dentistry. 


What is one thing you wish pet owners knew about the care of their pets?

That a healthy, species-appropriate diet and daily detoxification methods are necessary for optimal health. 


What are some holistic steps pet owners can take to keep their dogs and cats healthy in the winter months? 


Continue to exercise pets all year round as well as keep them from dangerous items around the holidays. Things to avoid would be any holiday decorations, chocolates, or items like onions or grapes, as well as too many fats in human foods.  There are still many healthy human foods that could be given as treats such as lean turkey meat, sweet potatoes (without butter), and many vegetables such as green beans or fruits such as blueberries, all of which make a tasty treat! 


We look forward to helping you gain a better perspective on holistic veterinary care!


To learn more about Dr. Julia and Happy Tails Holistic Veterinary Care, visit


By Megan Rempel, Registered Nurse & Health Coach 


We’ve all had those weeks where we’re on top of our game; we feel amazing, sexy, energetic, creative.  We feel like we can do ALL the things, eating healthy feels easy, exercising is something we want to do…..


And then, BOOM. You suddenly don’t feel like doing ANYTHING. You second guess yourself, you question your goals, you don’t want to be social, you want to eat ALL THE THINGS.  Working out is the last thing you feel like doing.  And then of course, the negative self talk starts. 


“I suck.”

“I’m a failure”

“I can’t stick to anything”

“Who do I think I am anyways?”


Been there?  My guess is yes.

Now let me just tell you – YOU ARE NORMAL.

BUT – there is a way to FEEL a whole lot better, ALL MONTH LONG.  But it’s going to require you to understand the energies of your cycle.  Yes, your monthly cycle.

Ever heard of cycle syncing?


Cycle syncing is when you adapt your diet, workout calendar, social calendar, and to-do lists to the 4 different phases of your monthly cycle! This way you are able to optimize what your body needs instead of pushing it to perform at the same level all the time. 


As a woman with a cycle, you are going through four very unique phases every 28’ish days.  Most women are familiar with their menstrual phase (aka their period) and most also know there is a time of the month where they are most fertile (aka their ovulatory phase).


But there is so much more to understand! And when you sync your nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle to your monthly cycle, not only will you balance your hormones and prevent painful periods (PMS is NOT normal btw!), but you will also tap into the superpowers that each phase of our cycle has.

Let’s take a look at each of the four phases, starting with the day your bleed ends, and how you can begin to tap into these superpowers.


Follicular Phase

Your energy is on the rise and you’re feeling refreshed and ready to get out there and socialize. Your brain is wired to create – start working on new projects, brainstorm ideas, push yourself out of your comfort zone and try something new. You’re open to new experiences and stepping out of your comfort zone will feel exciting. Incorporate cardio and any type of energizing forms of movement to your workout routine.


Ovulatory Phase

Your energy is at its highest and you’re magnetic! Use this energy to your advantage and go after what you want. This is also a great time to schedule an interview, speaking gig, or have an important conversation since you are able to communicate your thoughts and feelings more clearly. For your workout routine, do all the high intensity interval training that you want. Your body and energy levels will love it.


Luteal Phase 

This is the phase that will lead up to your bleed.  Your energy levels are starting to dwindle, and this is when you may feel more introverted. Use this time to organize your house, get your chores done, pay your bills and wrap up tasks and projects. You can also consider doing some meal prepping for your menstrual phase. Slow down your social engagements and enjoy some me-time. As far as movement goes, try Pilates, barre, yoga or walks, depending on your energy.

Menstrual Phase

This is the time to slow down, rest, and make self-care a high priority. Especially during the first couple of days of your bleed. Remove as much off your plate as possible and get cozy. Use this opportunity to reflect back on the past month, journal, adjust the course if needed. Since you’re highly intuitive, listen to the messages and signals from within. Do some gentle movement like yin or restorative yoga, go for a walk or stretch if you feel like it. 

By allowing your monthly cycle to be a roadmap for a more effortless way of living, you’ll discover that you can decrease unnecessary stress in your life, feel less overwhelmed, and instead, feel more powerful, energized, and confident.  You deserve to feel good ALL month long.  And it IS possible. 


For more information on how to begin living in alignment with your cycle, you can download this free PDF on simple tips to get started with Cycle Syncing today. Also, be sure to subscribe to Megan’s podcast, Fit to be a Mama.  

Megan Rempel is a Registered Nurse with a certificate in Women’s Hormonal Health, a health coach, and a cycle syncing expert. Her mission is to help other women discover that life can actually be easier, IF they tap into the magic that we’ve had inside us all along – our monthly cycle. Her own journey from overwhelmed and exhausted mom of 4 to gaining back control of her life through simple and effective things like cycle syncing is what fuels her passion to help women get out of survival mode and find ease and joy in their lives. Follow Megan on Instagram @itsmeganrempel4. 

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Kids’ Minds, Bodies, & Spirits

An interview with Dr. Samantha Potrzebowski, Precision Chiropractic, Roswell, GA 


The benefits of chiropractic care for adults are becoming increasingly widespread. Many of us have utilized it for chronic pain, or after a car accident, sports injury, or rough night of sleep. Regular chiropractic adjustments have been shown to help with everything from headaches to osteoarthritis pain to athletic performance. 


But we often forget to take advantage of chiropractic for our children, and we miss out on a huge opportunity to strengthen our kids’ immune systems, improve their sleep, enhance their physical and neurological development, and even boost their mood and overall behavior. 


We recently sat down with Dr. Samantha Potrzebowski of Precision Chiropractic, located  just down the street from our office in Roswell. Dr. Sam received her Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Life University in Marietta, and she has special training and a huge passion for working with kids.  She was kind enough to let us pick her brain about the many physical, mental, and emotional benefits of chiropractic care for infants and children of all ages.  


Tell us about your practice. What led you to specialize in treating children and to receive advanced certifications in pediatric care? 

We are a family-based chiropractic office located in Roswell, GA that proudly serves kids of all ages (including infants), moms, dads, grandparents- really the whole family! Before even attending chiropractic school, I knew I wanted to work with kids, which really shaped my education. I sought out additional training in pediatrics, which allowed me to become both Pediatric Certified and Webster Certified through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association after 200+ hours of post-graduate training. From there, we have continued to immerse ourselves in pediatric training that grows our knowledge in the areas of brain development, sensory processing, and developmental challenges.  Our office works closely with children who experience symptoms of or have been diagnosed with ADHD, dyslexia, anxiety, Autism, learning disabilities, and more. With two siblings that have different developmental challenges, this is a subject I hold near and dear to my heart, and I am honored to be a part of these kids’ healthcare team.


What are the physical benefits of chiropractic care for children? 

Chiropractic care is a great way to physically support the body. We often see children with complaints that feel typical to chiropractic care- headaches, neck/back pain, and scoliosis. In addition, a lot of our kids involved in sports have their knees, ankles, shoulders, elbows, and wrists evaluated. 

But, we also see kids who come in to maintain their stellar level of health. Especially as our kids’ bodies grow, it’s incredibly important to maintain healthy spinal alignment. Our bones, specifically our spine and hip bones, create the foundation for the stability of our “home,” aka our bodies! And if your kids are anything like mine is, they’re so physical- playing at the park, jumping off of whatever they can find, doing somersaults across the floor, riding bikes, etc. It’s no wonder their little spines can become misaligned! Chiropractic adjustments allow a gentle, effective and most importantly a safe way to shift the spine back into its proper alignment to keep their “foundation” strong.


How have you seen chiropractic care boost kids’ brain development and cognitive function? How can it support kids with ADHD, Autism, PANS/PANDAS, and other neurological disorders or learning disabilities? 

Most patients start out in our office with the misconception that chiropractic care is purely about spinal alignment. Of course spinal alignment is important, but one of the main reasons why we focus so much on spinal alignment is because the spine has such a close relationship with the nervous system. Because so much of our nervous system is housed within the spine, misalignments can put added tension on the nervous system. In the same way a guitar doesn’t perform at its best when its strings are tuned too tightly, our body has a hard time adapting to its environment when the nervous system is too tense. 

Disruption in the nervous system can contribute to “sympathetic dominance.” This is that “fight or flight” reaction you experience when you’ve been in danger. If you’re driving down the road and a car swerves towards you, once you get yourself to safety you’ll probably notice that your heart is racing, you’re breathing heavily, and you might feel a little on edge or anxious afterward. This is your sympathetic nervous system, or your fight or flight, kicking in. It’s a fantastic response by your nervous system working to keep you safe, but you certainly don’t want to get stuck in that state. 

Sympathetic dominance happens when your nervous system gets stuck in a state of fight or flight. It can lead to symptoms such as anxiety, loss of focus and attention, difficulty with memory, sensitivity to light/sound, digestion troubles, and sleep disturbances to name a few. Adjustments work to restore a healthy balance within the nervous system by removing added tension, making it more adaptable to its environment and less likely to get stuck in sympathetic dominance. Do we treat anxiety, focus and attention issues, and sleep challenges? No. But, we are able to adjust the spine and help the nervous system regulate which in turn can allow some of those challenges to subside or even resolve. 

In addition to spinal alignment, our office also evaluates for primitive reflexes and looks at different areas within the sensory system such as the visual system, vestibular system (balance), and proprioceptive system (where our body is in space). In healthy brain development, primitive reflexes should integrate or go away by 12 months of age. The presence of primitive reflexes beyond 12 months old and/or challenges within the sensory systems can lead to difficulty with handwriting, reading comprehension, balance, coordination, emotional regulation, speech, poor posture, and poor hand-eye coordination. Once evaluated, our team creates a specific brain-based therapy program to specifically stimulate different areas within each child’s brain, allowing their brain to build new or reinforce existing neural connections, supporting the development of new skills or the strengthening of old skills. This can translate into improved academics, social skills, and physical coordination.


So many kids are struggling with mental health challenges right now. How can chiropractic care help with emotions and mood regulation? 

It all stems from the idea of nervous system regulation. Think of your nervous system as a bucket- with each stressor that presents itself, whether that stressor be physical, emotional, or chemical in nature, a drop of water is added to your bucket. At some point, without any selfcare, your bucket will quickly overflow. Quick to anger, feelings of depression and/or anxiety, tantrums, and difficulty with transitions are all an expression of an overflowing bucket. By keeping the nervous system at a healthy tension through tonal chiropractic adjustments, we are allowing the body to process those stressors a little easier- smaller drops are added into your bucket so to speak. With the added physical support that adjustments provide, we’re also dumping some of the water out of your bucket at each visit. We’ve seen time and time again that chiropractic care is a great piece of the puzzle when it comes to emotional regulation and can be an incredibly beneficial way to support mental health.


As we prepare for another school year, what are some ways parents can help prime their kids’ brains for learning? 

I could talk about this for hours! But let’s keep it simple- My top 5 ways to help prime our kids’ brains for learning include:

  1. Getting adequate sleep– Our bodies need rest! Kids are exposed to stimulation all day long and need a break to rejuvenate so they can perform again the next day. Sleep of course gives the body time to rest, but is also a time for healing! A well-rested brain and body is more likely to perform better with tasks that require memory, attentiveness, and problem-solving skills. School-aged kids should be getting roughly 10 hours of sleep each night- some more, and some less depending on the kid. 
  2. Eating a well-rounded diet– Food is a way to fuel our bodies but can also have a negative impact on our health, depending on what you choose to consume. High-sugar diets have been linked to hyperactivity, emotional challenges, impulsivity, and aggression. Here’s the reality- nobody is expecting you or your family to eat a perfectly well-rounded meal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But if you can make a conscious effort to replace sugary breakfast foods and snacks with foods high in protein and healthy fats, it’ll be a change worth making!
  3. Taking supplements that support brain health– Study after study link the importance of Omega-3 Fatty Acids to brain development. There is also research to suggest that children and adults diagnosed with ADHD have lower levels of Omega-3s in their cells, which can also contribute to hyperactivity and impulsivity. Supplementation is an easy way to make sure you and your kids are getting enough Omega-3s on a regular basis.
  4. Activating the brain through cross-crawl activities– Cross-crawl activities are some of my favorites because they activate so many different areas of the brain and require so many of the sensory systems to work together which is exactly how we function in everyday life! An easy cross-crawl exercise would be to stand upright with arms extended towards the ceiling. Bring the right hand to meet the left knee, return to the starting position, then switch to bring the left hand to meet the right knee. Perform 20 repetitions of this exercise every single day for the rest of the summer! It’ll keep the brain activated and engaged, and keep it ready for learning!
  5. Get them adjusted!– By now I hope I’ve expressed the importance of adjustments for everyone, including our kids who are working hard and learning new information every day. With a regulated nervous system, we can see improvements with emotional regulation, focus and attention, and improved quality of sleep, all of which support an easier learning environment. 

Making changes can feel completely overwhelming. I encourage you to start small. Make one change, and once that change becomes a part of your standard routine, simply make another! As parents, we all hope to see our kids thrive. These simple changes can support their journey to becoming the best version of themselves! 


Precision Chiropractic is a tonal chiropractic office based in Roswell, Georgia. Our purpose is to provide a comprehensive program that strengthens the nervous system by focusing on proper spinal alignment through the correction of tonal shifts, in addition to improving weaknesses in the brain. Precision Chiropractic serves people of all ages with a variety of health conditions. Learn more at

Why You Should Add Chiropractic Care To Your 2022 To-Do List

An Interview with Roswell Chiropractors Jonathan and Shelly Malucci


Tell us about your practice.

Our office, Malucci Chiropractic, has been in the Roswell area since 2009. We moved out of state for a few years and then reopened here when we came back. We are a husband and wife team. We serve a wide variety of patients and we pride ourselves on providing conservative and thorough chiropractic treatment.


What is your typical office visit like?

At Malucci Chiropractic we offer comprehensive visits focusing on treatment of the body as a whole. Our typical visit lasts for 30 minutes and includes evaluation from your head to your toes. 


How can chiropractic care benefit athletes?

Every year 1.3 million adults and 2 million adults visit the emergency room for sports related injuries. A large part of our practice involves treating athletes and helping to avoid emergency room visits. Chiropractic treatment helps your body function as efficiently as possible which can maximize healing and recovery from all types of injuries. Almost every professional sports team now has a chiropractor on staff for this reason.


Are most of your patients coming in with an injury?

Yes and no. While a lot of patients start in our office for an acute injury, whether they may have rolled an ankle playing tennis or hurt their back moving furniture, we also see a lot of patients coming in to maintain optimal spinal alignment and prevent pain and injuries. Our goal is to help our patients recover as fast as possible and prevent injuries from occurring. Most of our patients continue with adjustments on a regular basis for prevention. 


Does your office treat pregnant women?

It is not uncommon for women to complain of low back and pelvic pain while pregnant. As your body produces a hormone called relaxin, which softens your ligaments in order to help the baby pass through the pelvis, the pelvis slowly “relaxes” and moves in order to prepare for childbirth causing this hip dysfunction and pain. Chiropractic can help to significantly reduce this pain by doing regular adjustments throughout pregnancy. Additionally, we utilize a technique for fetal malpositioning (breech babies) called Webster technique. This technique reduces dysfunction in the sacrum (low spinal bone) which may have a positive effect on fetal malpostioning, allowing more room for the baby to turn.  


Does your office treat children?

The adjustment for an infant is quite different from the adjustment for an adult. The technique we utilize at Malucci chiropractic is called sustained contact. Sustained contact is a gentle and effective technique using a very mild sustained pressure to correct misalignments in the spine. Babies often have misalignments in their cervical spine from the pressure applied to their heads during labor/birth. These misalignments may or may not manifest with symptoms. Common “symptoms” we treat infants for include, spitting up, inability to stay latched during breastfeeding, trouble with sleeping, ear infections, colic, and many more. 


As your child begins to sit and crawl the bones of the spine become misaligned as he is learning his new skills. There does not have to be a presenting symptom for the need for an adjustment. We encourage our patients to bring their children in during their appointments for a wellness where we do a quick evaluation to let you know if there is a need for chiropractic care. Most children do not require a lot of treatment to correct their misalignments. 


In the new year, while you’re making resolutions to better your health, we hope you consider adding chiropractic care to your list. Treatment through chiropractic care can help you feel better and create a healthier you! Please feel free to reach out to our office with any questions you may have at 770-626-0326, or visit


Women First Rehabilitation Helps People in All Stages of Life

By Dr. Sara Bolden, 

Licensed Physical Therapist and Board Certified Women’s Health Clinical Specialist

If you’re like most people, you don’t hesitate to talk to friends about medical problems like a sore throat or an arthritic knee.  But when it comes to pelvic issues, you probably hesitate, thinking you are the only one with this problem.  Truth is, you’re not alone.  Young, old, or somewhere in between, chances are you (and many of your friends) have experienced a pelvic floor problem.  

Even though you might not want to talk about it, pelvic floor conditions can be – and should be – successfully treated.  The specialists at Women First Rehabilitation have just the solution no matter what stage of life you’re in.

The Female Athlete

  • Fact – 43% of female athletes have experienced leakage while engaging in their sport.
  • Patient Population = 15-40 years old
  • Results – 70% of female athletes who experience incontinence are cured after pelvic floor rehabilitation.
  • “Since 2012, I have struggled with issues related to the musculature of my hips and pelvis.  For four years, I trained hard, lifted weights, ran a marathon, raced bicycles, did yoga; yet my list of issues got longer!  Low back pain, painful hips, incontinence, and then – the last straw – hemorrhoids.  I was embarrassed and frustrated.  Dr. Bolden quickly showed me that it wasn’t weak muscles that had me in this predicament; it was the way in which certain muscles were so incredibly tight.  Through specific relaxation techniques and dry needling, Dr. Bolden had me back to feeling like a normal person in about four visits.” – Lynn

Reproductive Services

  • Fact – 50% of women have diastasis recti that does not resolve after they give birth, and 58% of new moms have pelvic floor dysfunction.
  • Patient Population = Mid 20s to late 30s
  • Results – 71.9% of patients who received pelvic physical therapy during pregnancy and/or immediately post-partum improved in stress urinary incontinence, diastasis recti and/or pelvic pain.
  • “For two years, I had been having lower back pain due to post-partum diastasis recti, and I’d given up hope that anything would reduce the pain.  Dr. Bolden took the time to listen to my issues, gave me exercises to work on at home, and used special techniques to relieve pain.  Within a couple months, my abdominal muscles have closed significantly, and my lower back pain has resolved.  I am now able to hold my kids, run, and walk without any back pain.” – Anna

Pain with Intimacy

  • Fact – One in four women have pain with intimacy.
  • Patient Population = 20-60 years old
  • Results – 74% of patients with painful intercourse significantly improve with pelvic floor physical therapy.
  • “At first, I was skeptical as to how physical therapy could help with pain I had when my husband and I were intimate.  I had, for many years, discussed this pain with my gynecologist, and there never seemed to be lasting relief.  Thank you for taking the time to educate me on what my pelvic floor muscles were doing and how scar tissue from three C-sections played into my pain.  I have also noticed that my urinary incontinence has completely resolved, too.” – Mary

Bladder Health

  • Fact – Up to twelve million men and women have interstitial cystitis (painful bladder syndrome).
  • Patient Population = Children to elderly (dependent on diagnosis)
  • Results – 60–85% of patients with bladder conditions are adequately managed (absence of symptoms) or cured with pelvic floor therapy.
  • “My physical therapist was treating me for lower back pain, and recommended I go to WFR for issues I was having with my bladder.  When I saw Dr. Bolden the first time, I was experiencing intense pain and repercussions from use of antibiotics.  Dr. Bolden’s wisdom, skill and caring approach sent me on a journey to good health again.” – Jeanie

Wellness/Weight Loss

  • Fact – 74% of Americans are considered overweight.
  • Patient Population = Anyone consuming the “average American diet”
  • Results – 53% of individuals who used supervised weight loss plans lost more weight than those who tried on their own.
  • “I would never have believed that following a simple eating plan could rid my body of inflammation and pain, and as an added bonus, I lost sixty pounds!  Thank you!” – Vicki
  • “I went on a special diet about a month ago (under the direction of Women First) and noticed such a difference.  My energy levels have gone up!  Thank you so much for all your help.” – Anna

Elite Healthcare

Women First Rehabilitation is an elite healthcare practice devoted exclusively to treating individuals with pelvic pain, urogenital disorders, fertility challenges, prenatal preparation, post-partum musculoskeletal impairments and pelvic floor dysfunctions.  All the practitioners are licensed women’s health physical therapists with advanced knowledge and training in pelvic floor rehabilitation and women’s health. 

Learn more at

An Interview with Bobby & Sarah Rossi, Owners of Rossi’s Gluten Free Market, Woodstock, GA 

Do you have a gluten sensitivity or intolerance? When people who are intolerant eat gluten, it wreaks havoc on the intestinal lining, leading to a chronic immune response, digestive issues galore, and a host of other symptoms. 

Whether you are sensitive to this protein or not, we could ALL benefit from reducing the amount we’re consuming on a daily basis. Setting out on a gluten-free journey can be a bit overwhelming at first, but that’s why we’re so excited that a new gluten-free market just opened up just down the road from our office (Hwy 92 in Woodstock). 

We sat down with Bobby & Sarah Rossi, Owners of Rossi’s Gluten Free Market to hear all about their business and their tips for implementing a gluten-free lifestyle. Enjoy this interview, and learn more about Rossie’s Gluten Free Market at 


Tell us about your business and the heart behind what you do. 

Sarah and I began researching our concept back in October of 2020.  As gluten free consumers ourselves, we found it frustrating to have to travel to three or four different stores for our dietary needs.  We frequently found a limited selection and inconsistent stock.  Oftentimes, these stores would mix the gluten free products in with everything else.  We spent many visits to the store replanning our dinner menus because these items were out of stock.  Upon researching more, we discovered that our favorite brands had many other products available.  Knowing that there were other consumers like us, we wanted to create a grocery store that stocked nothing but gluten free items.  It is our passion for people to be able to come in and shop for food that’s safe to eat.  We also carry dairy free and vegan options.


What is most challenging about eliminating or reducing gluten from our diets? 

I’ve been gluten free for eight years now, and Sarah has been gluten free for three years.  I was able to lose 90 pounds by eliminating gluten and sugar from my diet, with regular exercise.  We physically feel better, mentally sharper and don’t have to deal with the ugly side effects of being “glutened”.  We don’t miss the headaches, lethargy or digestive issues.  I definitely don’t miss the dumb rash on my face and neck.  


 Tell us about your own gluten-free journey. What benefits have you noticed since you eliminated it from your diet? 

One of the most challenging issues we face from eliminating gluten from our diets is that we grew up on it.  I was adopted into an Italian-American family, hence the last name, and Sarah is from a Polish-American family.  For me, many dinners would include pastas, breads, rolls and desserts like Tiramisu and Cannoli.  For Sarah, Pierogies, breads, crackers, and other baked goods.  We miss it!  


What is your advice to those who are just finding out they are gluten sensitive/intolerant or who have been diagnosed with Celiac Disease? What tips or resources do you recommend for making the learning process and routine easier? 

Finding out about a Celiac or Hashimoto diagnosis or intolerance/sensitivity to gluten can be discouraging!  But it doesn’t mean you’re alone.  The good news is that gluten-free food has come a long way in the past 8 years that I’ve known it.  We’re so happy that we can carry so many comparable and reputable products.  There’s also a lot of online resources available.  We’re members of various gluten-free/celiac groups on social media.  Everything from recipes, to safe options at local restaurants, to finds at the grocery store, are shared and discussed.  The folks on there have so much insight and offer tips from personal experience.  I’ve even encountered a gluten-free group that meets once a month for lunch.  Most importantly, the amazing folks at Longevity are there for you, too.  


What is your favorite gluten-free product that makes the lifestyle easier and more convenient for you? 

My favorite products would be anything from Lucky Spoon Bakery.  They have everything from cakes, to chocolate chip cookies and brownies, to strawberry cupcakes.  It’s a splurge, but it takes me back to pre-gluten-free life with baked goods.  Sarah’s favorites are Nature’s Bakery Fig Bars and Lucky Spoon Chocolate cupcakes.

An Interview with Crystal Hood, Owner and Founder of Lazy Susan Meal Prep, Woodstock, GA 


As we get busier and busier, we can fall into a habit of feeding ourselves and our families what’s most convenient, and whole and healthy choices can fall by the wayside. But if we are what we eat, we don’t want to be fast, easy, and cheap! We sat down with fellow small business owner Crystal Hood to hear her tips for feeding our families food that will nourish our mind, body, and spirit, even on the go. Enjoy this interview, and to learn more about Lazy Susan Meal Prep, follow on Facebook and Instagram.


Tell us about yourself and your business. How did the idea of Lazy Susan Meal Prep come to be? 

I grew up in a home where health and wellness were top priority. My parents opened a health food store in the North Georgia mountains in the late 80’s (before it was cool, LOL).  I watched them lead so many people on a path of wellnessIt was inspiring to say the least. I grew up eating organic, whole, nutrient dense foods.  I knew I wanted to follow in their footsteps but my talent was in culinary arts.  I have cooked professionally for over 15 years.

I came up with the idea of Lazy Susan while living in Asheville, North Carolina. I had this vision of bringing families back around the table to eat a healthy meal together. I remember growing up how we always sat at the dinner table as a family and how important that was. Finding myself in a financial need, I decided to make a little extra money doing just that. I had about ten clients who I prepared meals for every week with a rotating menu of 3 lunches and 3 dinners. It was great side money, but I was still finding myself drowning in bills. It was all work and no play.

I decided to move with my son to Woodstock, Georgia to be closer to my family with only about $40 in my bank account. In less than two weeks, I was working two jobs and enjoying this new community. Once I got back on my feet, I decided to join a gym. Here is where I noticed the need for a healthy, meal prep service. So I decided to apply my knowledge in nutrition and culinary arts and start cooking for some of my fellow gym friends who had expressed they needed help with their weekly meal prep. It didn’t take long for the word to get out. Business had increased by so much that I decided to follow my true passion, quit my other two jobs and operate Lazy Susan full time.

I am amazed at how fast this business has and continues to grow! The kitchen has always felt like home to me. I feel honored that Lazy Susan helps keep our clients on track with their nutrition in an affordable and convenient manner.


How do Lazy Susan meals fit in with those trying to eat a gluten-free, paleo/keto, anti-inflammatory diet or with other specific health and fitness goals?  

We follow a high protein/low fat and low sugar diet.  We steer clear of GMO’s, artificial ingredients, and hydrogenated oils.  Our meals are clean and mostly organic.  On our menu, we provide a breakdown of macros and ingredients.  We also specify which menu items are gluten free, vegan, vegetarian and whole30 compliant. We provide weight watchers points as well following the current blue plan. 


What do you think are the biggest obstacles keeping people from eating more nutrient-dense, whole food meals?

100% time and convenience. People are so busy these days and many unfortunately do not have the time to prepare healthy meals at home or may not even have the knowledge with proper food combining.  That is why Lazy Susan offers single serving meals that are easy to heat up or freeze.  (All of our packaging is BPA free.)


What are your best tips for those wanting to do more healthy meal prep each week? 

Planning your menu is key.  I also recommend planning a menu that has some of the same fresh and quality ingredients.  This helps with cost and time.

Example Menu:

One pan- Fajitas

Shrimp Stir Fry 

Grilled Chicken with Sauteed Veggies

With this menu you can use so many of the same veggies- Zucchini, Mushrooms, Red Bell Pepper, Onions and Summer Squash.  They can all be prepped at the same time and when ready to use, add different spices and sauces. 


How can we make meal prepping more efficient and FUN so that it’s not something we dread, but instead enjoy doing? 

Keep it easy! Try not to over complicate your menu.  Maybe invite a friend over, turn on some tunes and have a meal prep dance party in the kitchen.  


What are your secrets for getting more nutritious foods into picky eater children?

I typically plan my menu on Saturday for the following week.  This is something my son and I like to do together.  He enjoys being a part of the planning process and having a say in what we are eating.  Sometimes he enjoys cooking with me as well.  For veggies he doesn’t particularly like, I blend in a food processor and hide them in his food.  For example- blended zucchini and carrots often go in our meatloaf.  He has no clue and loves it!


Lazy Susan’s weekly menus are posted on their Facebook page. You can also subscribe to the weekly newsletter to have the menu sent directly to your inbox.  You can contact Crystal with more questions at