Cycle Syncing: How to Live in Alignment with Your Monthly Cycle
By Megan Rempel, Registered Nurse & Health Coach
We’ve all had those weeks where we’re on top of our game; we feel amazing, sexy, energetic, creative. We feel like we can do ALL the things, eating healthy feels easy, exercising is something we want to do…..
And then, BOOM. You suddenly don’t feel like doing ANYTHING. You second guess yourself, you question your goals, you don’t want to be social, you want to eat ALL THE THINGS. Working out is the last thing you feel like doing. And then of course, the negative self talk starts.
“I suck.”
“I’m a failure”
“I can’t stick to anything”
“Who do I think I am anyways?”
Been there? My guess is yes.
Now let me just tell you – YOU ARE NORMAL.
BUT – there is a way to FEEL a whole lot better, ALL MONTH LONG. But it’s going to require you to understand the energies of your cycle. Yes, your monthly cycle.
Ever heard of cycle syncing?⠀
Cycle syncing is when you adapt your diet, workout calendar, social calendar, and to-do lists to the 4 different phases of your monthly cycle! This way you are able to optimize what your body needs instead of pushing it to perform at the same level all the time.
As a woman with a cycle, you are going through four very unique phases every 28’ish days. Most women are familiar with their menstrual phase (aka their period) and most also know there is a time of the month where they are most fertile (aka their ovulatory phase).
But there is so much more to understand! And when you sync your nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle to your monthly cycle, not only will you balance your hormones and prevent painful periods (PMS is NOT normal btw!), but you will also tap into the superpowers that each phase of our cycle has.
Let’s take a look at each of the four phases, starting with the day your bleed ends, and how you can begin to tap into these superpowers.
Follicular Phase
Your energy is on the rise and you’re feeling refreshed and ready to get out there and socialize. Your brain is wired to create – start working on new projects, brainstorm ideas, push yourself out of your comfort zone and try something new. You’re open to new experiences and stepping out of your comfort zone will feel exciting. Incorporate cardio and any type of energizing forms of movement to your workout routine.
Ovulatory Phase
Your energy is at its highest and you’re magnetic! Use this energy to your advantage and go after what you want. This is also a great time to schedule an interview, speaking gig, or have an important conversation since you are able to communicate your thoughts and feelings more clearly. For your workout routine, do all the high intensity interval training that you want. Your body and energy levels will love it.
Luteal Phase
This is the phase that will lead up to your bleed. Your energy levels are starting to dwindle, and this is when you may feel more introverted. Use this time to organize your house, get your chores done, pay your bills and wrap up tasks and projects. You can also consider doing some meal prepping for your menstrual phase. Slow down your social engagements and enjoy some me-time. As far as movement goes, try Pilates, barre, yoga or walks, depending on your energy.
Menstrual Phase
This is the time to slow down, rest, and make self-care a high priority. Especially during the first couple of days of your bleed. Remove as much off your plate as possible and get cozy. Use this opportunity to reflect back on the past month, journal, adjust the course if needed. Since you’re highly intuitive, listen to the messages and signals from within. Do some gentle movement like yin or restorative yoga, go for a walk or stretch if you feel like it.
By allowing your monthly cycle to be a roadmap for a more effortless way of living, you’ll discover that you can decrease unnecessary stress in your life, feel less overwhelmed, and instead, feel more powerful, energized, and confident. You deserve to feel good ALL month long. And it IS possible.
For more information on how to begin living in alignment with your cycle, you can download this free PDF on simple tips to get started with Cycle Syncing today. Also, be sure to subscribe to Megan’s podcast, Fit to be a Mama.
Megan Rempel is a Registered Nurse with a certificate in Women’s Hormonal Health, a health coach, and a cycle syncing expert. Her mission is to help other women discover that life can actually be easier, IF they tap into the magic that we’ve had inside us all along – our monthly cycle. Her own journey from overwhelmed and exhausted mom of 4 to gaining back control of her life through simple and effective things like cycle syncing is what fuels her passion to help women get out of survival mode and find ease and joy in their lives. Follow Megan on Instagram @itsmeganrempel4.