Entries by Meredith Gaston

Interview Spotlight: Julie Miles from Beauty for Broken Life Coaching

A Holistic Approach to Mental Wellness with Dr. Alice Honican Dr. Alice Honican was recently interviewed by Julie Miles of Beauty for Broken Life Coaching. Julie works with women who desire to discover the broken rhythms in their lives and move forward to a beautiful transition to whole health: physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  Dr. Honican […]

Podcast Spotlight: Lyme Time with Ali from TheTickChicks.com

Regulation Thermography & Naturopathic Medicine with Dr. Alice Honican   Our very own Dr. Alice Honican was recently featured on the Lyme Time podcast with Ali of The Tick Chicks. The episode is all about our practice’s unique, multi-faceted approach to treating spirochetes and other tick-borne infections, using bioenergetic testing and a combination of customized […]

The Longevity Summer Hydration Challenge

Most of us know the importance of good hydration, especially in the scorching summer months in the South. But sometimes life gets in the way and we don’t keep up our daily drinking ritual. So here at Longevity, we want to focus on staying hydrated all summer long, and encourage our patients to do the […]

The Importance of Nutrition in Healing Eczema

Part Three: Essential Fatty Acids and the Omega-6: Omega-3 Ratio By Carrie Rutledge, Nutrition Therapist Master    Vegetable Oils and Chronic Inflammation Essential fatty acids are essential because we must get them through our diet. Omega-6 (LA- linoleic acid and Arachidonic Acid) and Omega-3 (ALA-alpha-linolenic acid) are imperative to great skin health. ALA needs to […]

The Importance of Nutrition in Healing Eczema  

Part 2: Gut Permeability and Chronic Inflammation  By Carrie Rutledge, Nutrition Therapist Master    Gut Permeability and The Immune Response   Hippocrates once said that “All disease begins in the gut”. Studies are increasingly showing that eczema  and gut health are linked and when there is an imbalance of gut or skin flora, we now […]

Gut Harmony: Setting a Foundation Toward Holistic Health

When we talk about the gut, we often hear about a variety of diet advice and maintaining a healthy weight. The truth is, your gut has a deeper story. There’s more to it than just digestion. It’s intricately linked to our brains, commonly known as the gut-brain connection. Your gut health influences your emotions and […]