Entries by JoAnna Brown

Tips for Implementing a Gluten-Free Lifestyle

An Interview with Bobby & Sarah Rossi, Owners of Rossi’s Gluten Free Market, Woodstock, GA  Do you have a gluten sensitivity or intolerance? When people who are intolerant eat gluten, it wreaks havoc on the intestinal lining, leading to a chronic immune response, digestive issues galore, and a host of other symptoms.  Whether you are […]

Pink is the New Orange

An Alternative Approach to Breast Health You’ve undoubtedly noticed the hugely successful marketing campaign of Breast Cancer Awareness each October in recent years.  You can’t drive down the street, walk into a grocery store, turn on the television, or even attend a tiny tikes football game without being bombarded with images of bright pink ribbons […]

Julie Ann’s Road to Healing

Here at Longevity, our mission is to love God and serve people, and we love hearing stories from patients who have experienced amazing transformations with their health. Enjoy this interview with our wonderful patient, Julie Ann, who has experienced a tremendous improvement in her health and quality of life this year. What were your primary […]

Lisa’s Health Transformation

Here at Longevity, our mission is to love God and serve people, and we love hearing stories from patients who have experienced amazing transformations with their health. Enjoy this story from our wonderful patient, Lisa, who has experienced a tremendous improvement in her health and quality of life this year. If you have a transformation […]

Steps for Prepping Your Child For Successful Academic Year

The summer has come and gone, and just like that, it’s time for another school year. Amidst the chaos of preparing for the academic year (school supply shopping, orientations and activities sign-ups…oh my!!), don’t forget to give equal attention to planning for a great year as it pertains to your kiddo’s health!   As parents, we […]

Trauma Recovery: Holistic Tools for Health and Wholeness

By Elisabeth Frey, HHP/Patient Coordinator By its very definition, holistic healthcare is about understanding the interconnection of the heart, soul, mind and body. Trauma is a prime example of the way that our emotions can impact our physical health and wellbeing. Trauma can result from any kind of distressing or disturbing event. We all experience […]

Sharon Folk’s Road to Abundant Health

Longevity Health Center’s 40-year impact in the community can be summed up in the devotion of a longtime patient and friend, Sharon Folk. She first met Dr. Seneca Anderson in 1979 at a holistic healing conference at the Health Barn and Vitamin Shop near her hometown of Greenville, TN. So impressed with his care and […]

Reflecting on 40 Years of Practice

By Seneca B. Anderson, DOM, ND, L.Ac. / Longevity Founder It’s hard to believe that 2018 marks 40 years of practice for our health center. When my wife Kay and I first started out, we had no idea how our vision for a natural health center would flourish to the extent that it has. All […]