Tag Archive for: longevity health

The Benefits of Brain Mapping and Neurofeedback Therapy with Longevity’s Naturopathic Practitioner, Anna Powers 

Our very own Anna Powers was recently interviewed by Julie Miles of Beauty for Broken Life Coaching. In addition to being a caring and compassionate Patient Coordinator at Longevity, Julie works with women who desire to discover the broken rhythms in their lives and move forward to a beautiful transition to whole health: physically, emotionally, and spiritually. 

Anna sat down with Julie for her Summer Wellness Series to discuss the many benefits of Brain Mapping and NeuroFeedback for our minds, bodies, and spirits. Brain Mapping, also known as Quantitative Electroencephalogram (qEEG), measures electrical activity in the form of brainwave patterns, showing us how brain cells are communicating and helping us create NeuroFeedback protocol specific to the brain’s needs. It can benefit those with mental and cognitive health issues such as ADHD, anxiety, headaches/migraines, sleep issues, and more. 

Anna uses her experience and expertise to advise and walk alongside both our adult and children clients at Longevity as they go through their detox and healing journeys

Be sure to tune in for this great conversation! 

 Mold and Mycotoxins with Certified Naturopath, Janelle Bertler

Our very own Janelle Bertler was recently interviewed by Julie Miles of Beauty for Broken Life Coaching. In addition to being a caring and compassionate Patient Coordinator at Longevity, Julie works with women who desire to discover the broken rhythms in their lives and move forward to a beautiful transition to whole health: physically, emotionally, and spiritually. 

Janelle sat down with Julie for her Summer Wellness Series to discuss mold and mycotoxin toxicity, how we get exposed to it, and how it can impact our health. You’ll get to hear Janelle’s own story of mold illness and how she recovered, as well as steps to aid in your own recovery. 

Today Janelle uses her firsthand experience to advise and walk alongside our clients at Longevity as they go through their own healing journeys. 

Be sure to tune in for this great conversation! 

Part 2: Gut Permeability and Chronic Inflammation 

By Carrie Rutledge, Nutrition Therapist Master 


Gut Permeability and The Immune Response  

Hippocrates once said that “All disease begins in the gut”. Studies are increasingly showing that eczema  and gut health are linked and when there is an imbalance of gut or skin flora, we now have an  inflammatory condition called dysbiosis. This occurs when there are too many pathogenic species, not  enough commensal species, and not enough diversity of species. Hence, if you want to heal the skin; you  must heal the gut.  

Gut permeability is a theory that explores intestinal permeability or impairment as a cause of letting  toxins into the bloodstream and as a result, an inflammatory response occurs. Our intestinal barrier  performs many critical functions, most importantly, regulating the absorption of nutrients from the gut  into the blood while preventing the entry of toxins and microorganisms.  

The digestive tract is considered outside the body as both openings of the digestive tract are connected to  the outside world. A strong, robust immune system in the GI tract will prevent these pathogens from  entering the bloodstream. In fact, 70-80% of all immune cells are found in the GI tract ready to fend off  the multitude of pathogenic organisms that enter our body every day. 

The digestive tract has a unique job of killing off the pathogenic bacteria while protecting commensal  bacteria and antigens which can induce an immune response. IgA antibodies (SIgA) are important for immunotolerance or the immune system’s ability to stay unresponsive to substances that would otherwise  elicit an immune response. They can also prevent mass bacteria invasion and intercept invaders that have  passed into the intestinal barrier. The microbiome and IgA antibodies have a synergistic relationship as  commensal bacteria are an important facilitator of IgA and probiotic supplementation has shown to  increase IgA production. 4Low IgA is associated with an increase in allergies, eczema, asthma, food  intolerance, UTI infections and gut dysbiosis (imbalance between pathogenic and commensal bacteria).  Therefore, if we are seeing these symptoms in ourselves or our children, we can begin taking steps to heal  and seal our gut to decrease the inflammatory response.  


Healing and Sealing the Gut with the 5R Approach 

Step 1: The Removal Process 

The removal process consists of getting rid of food items and environmental allergens that are causing toxicity.  Finding food intolerances can be tricky; therefore, a more expensive approach is to go through food sensitivity  testing and to strictly avoid those foods. You can also do an elimination diet in which you remove the most  common allergens from your diet and gradually add them back in after four weeks. The most common allergens to  remove will be eggs, dairy, gluten, soy, legumes, nuts, and seeds. After four weeks you will introduce one new food  per week and keep track of your body’s response. If you notice a new symptom or previous symptom return, then  that food is not tolerable for your system. During the elimination period, acceptable foods include meat, all  vegetables expect nightshades, all fruits except citrus, organic white rice, and healthy fats except butter. Removing  toxic shampoos, pesticides (especially glyphosate) and sanitizers will also be important to healing the skin and gut  microbiome.  

The removal process also consists of removing parasites and fungal overgrowth. This can be done with food, herbs,  or supplements.  

Antimicrobial Foods and Herbs to be Added to the  Diet Daily  

  • Pumpkin seeds 
  • Coconut oil  
  • Raw Garlic 
  • Manuka Honey 
  • Thyme, Clove, Rosemary, and Ginger

Anti-Parasitic Tea Recipe:  


  • 1 Teaspoon Clove
  • 1 Cinnamon Stick
  • 1 Sprig of  Rosemary
  • 1 Teaspoon of fresh Ginger  

Instructions: Boil all ingredients in purified water for 30  minutes 


Step 2: Replace the Digestive Enzymes that May be lacking from Gut Dysbiosis  

Once we start to remove foods, toxins and parasites that are causing dysbiosis, we need to start replacing enzymes, vitamins, and minerals for optimal digestive function. For those with heartburn you may not be producing enough  hydrochloric acid or HCL, therefore, you may need to supplement as the digestive tract heals. Ox Bile (if you have  had your gallbladder removed) is good for supporting the liver and digestion of fats and adding in protease, lipase  and amylase will help break down the nutrient dense foods you are now eating. 


Foods That Increase Stomach Acid: 

  • Apple cider vinegar  
  • Celery juice  
  • Sauerkraut juice  
  • Bitters-stimulates HCL, pancreatic enzymes and bile production 
  • Warm lemon water, dandelion root tea or ginger tea with meal


Foods that Contain Digestive Enzymes 

  • Honey (amylase and protease)  
  • Ginger (contains protease)  
  • Kimchi (contains lipase, protease, and amylase)  
  • Mango (amylase)  
  • Papaya (protease)  
  • Avocado (lipase)  
  • Pineapple (bromelain, protease)  


Step 3: Replacing the Gut with Probiotics and Prebiotic Foods to Increase  

Because eczema is an inflammatory disease, our goal in treating the root cause is to lower inflammation internally.  Once we have removed pathogenic bacteria and replaced nutrients and enzymes for proper digestion, we want to  begin replacing the commensal bacteria with probiotic rich foods and supplements. As we begin to replace, we also  want to make sure we are feeding the microorganisms in the gut prebiotics. To qualify as a prebiotic a food must  benefit the commensal bacteria as well as benefit you, the host of the bacteria.  

Live Probiotic Foods to Include 

  • Unsweetened yogurt (if you can tolerate dairy add raw honey for sweetener)  
  • Sauerkraut (for babies you can give a tablespoon of juice daily or use as a salt substitute for  meats and vegetables)  
  • Kimchi, Pickled vegetables, Kombucha, or Kefir, Sourdough 

Prebiotic Foods to Include 

  • Beans, Lentils and Peas 
  • Raw Garlic  
  • Leeks  
  • Apples
  • Unripe Bananas  
  • Cooked and cooled potatoes or white rice


Step 4: Repairing the Lining of the Digestive Tract from Long-Term Inflammation 

To prevent toxins and foods from entering the blood stream, it is important to start repairing the mucosal lining of  the digestive tract. Two nutrients that help to restore gut health and the epithelial lining are L-Glutamine and  Glycine. Herbals to consider including in the diet to support a healthy digestive tract are Marshmallow Root,  Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice (DGL), and Slippery Elm.  

L-Glutamine: Is an amino acid that acts as a building block for protein. The body relies on L-Glutamine to   facilitate healing in conditions of severe metabolic stress, to reduce gastric inflammation, make  neurotransmitters, and repair muscles. It also serves in protecting the tight junctions of the gut. Dietary  glutamine is found in animal foods such as beef, chicken, pork, raw cheese, milk, and yogurt. A supplement  may also be necessary in cases of severe inflammation, poor gut health and lowered immunity. 5 

Glycine: Even though glycine is a non-essential amino acid, supplementation has been shown to reduce the  development of chronic inflammation and reduce pro-inflammatory cytokines. Glycine is synthesized in the  body from choline, threonine, and serine. Foods to incorporate to ensure adequate synthesis of glycine are  gelatin, bone broth, poultry skin, dried seaweed, wild caught salmon, and oxtail. 

Marshmallow Root: Marshmallow root has been shown to restore a protective lining around tight  junctions in the gut as well as treat irritated tissue in the mucous membranes. It is typically consumed  through a capsule or tea form and is often used for a wide range of digestive disorders including  constipation, colic, and heartburn. Marshmallow root has also been shown to treat atopic eczema. 

Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice (DGL): DGL has been shown to maintain and rebuild the intestinal lining of  the gut. In studies, DGL is shown to increase the protective mucus in the stomach and esophagus. and  protect the liver from nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. 

 Slippery Elm: Slippery elm is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and helps to form a protective  coating in the digestive tract. Studies show that when combined with Glycine, Aloe Vera, Pectin,  Peppermint Oil and Glutamine, individuals were able to reintroduce food triggers after 16 weeks of  consumption without provoking original symptoms. 


Gut Healing Recipes  

Bone Broth Recipe 

  • 1 chicken carcass or marrow bones 
  • 3 medium carrots 
  • 3 stalks of celery 
  • Fresh herbs 
  • Apple cider vinegar  
  • Keltic sea salt  

Directions: Roast the bones in the oven for 30-45 minutes. Take the bones and add to a dutch oven.  Add 2 Tsp of apple cider vinegar, vegetables fresh herbs and sea salt. Cover with filtered water and  bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 12-24 hours. After cooled, strain the broth into mason  jars. Use the broth to cook rice, soups, and stews.  

Jell-O Recipe  

2 cups of organic fresh juice 

2 TBSP of gelatin 

Raw honey 

1/2 -1 Cup of raw fruit or 2 TB of fruit rind (Optional)  

Directions: Pour juice into a saucepan and add 2 TBSP of gelatin and stir until it’s dissolved. Turn  on heat to medium and let simmer for 5-10 minutes. Turn off heat and let sit for 1 minute. Add in  honey and pour into a glass tray. Put into the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. 


Step 5: Rebalancing the Gut 

Rebalancing is all about following a healthy, long-term goal of reducing stress and supporting a healthy nervous  system. Studies show that genetics lay the groundwork for eczema, but it’s the environment that contributes to the  expression of the gene and both play a key role in the dysregulation of the nervous system as well as the immune  system. A dysfunctional nervous system can contribute to inflammation of the gut as well as the skin. In fact, recent  studies show that the skin is a target of the stress response. Psoriasis, mast cell activation, acne, and eczema have all  been tied to psychological stress, anxiety, and depression.

The 9 Essentials to Rebalancing your Life for a Healthy Happy Gut: 

  • Quality Sleep (Adults 7-8 hours, Teenagers 8-10 hours, Children 10-12 hours) 
  •  Food (make sure you sit down and avoid screens for your largest meal)  
  • Water (filtered from chlorine, pharmaceuticals, and fluoride)  
  • Exercise  
  • Healthy relationships  
  • Mental Health  
  • Spiritual Health 
  • Nature  
  • Have Fun  

Do Not Underestimate the Power of Relaxation

Modern American society is too focused on its definition of “success”. Our culture has us believing that success is  measured in achievement. It has us running from here to there, competing for this and that all to the detriment of our  health. Children today are pressured to perform at levels unseen in history. Driving from activity to activity and  rarely getting time to decompress. Being indoors all day and in front of screens has damaging effects on our  hormones, especially cortisol. With phones and computers contributing to increased cortisol and acting as a  psychological stressor, it is important to wean ourselves and our children off the addictiveness of the screen.  

Current studies are showing the power of mind-body therapies as treatment for many chronic diseases including  eczema. In fact, stress is the common risk factor for up to 90% of all diseases. When we are stressed, we release  more cortisol. High cortisol contributes to increased inflammation. 10,11 Therefore, it is important to practice  relaxation techniques. Whatever that looks like in your world, I encourage you to go outside, walk barefoot in the  grass, take day trips, explore, meditate, laugh, and have fun 


*If you would like to learn more about healing your body through nutrition and lifestyle, please contact me at carrierutledge@gmail.com and set up a free 15-minute consultation to see how we can tailor a plan for you.  


**Disclaimer: The information on this website has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any illness. I am a certified Nutritional Therapist Master practitioner, therefore, the information and material in this post is for informational purposes and not intended to treat, diagnose, or cure any illness. Please seek advice from a qualified medical professional regarding any medical condition or diagnosis.


Here at Longevity, our mission is to love God and serve people, and we love hearing stories from patients who have experienced amazing transformations with their health. Enjoy this interview with our patient, Philip, as he shares his story of improved health and quality of life!


Describe your primary health concerns when you first started at Longevity. 

After 12 years of symptoms, I had finally been diagnosed with Lyme and several coinfections by a pioneer in the Lyme field. After a year and half of multiple rounds of highly damaging and ineffective antibiotics, I was told that the Lyme would never be eradicated and I should expect to be on antibiotics for the rest of my life. I had a level 10 headache from the moment I woke till I fell asleep, crippling fatigue, and paralyzing Herxheimer reactions every two weeks. In addition to that, the bacteria had spread to my brain, and begun to cause brain fog. The absolute lack of any hope began stirring up suicidal ideation.


What was your first visit to our office like? What was your initial and ongoing response to the treatments?

I was treated very kindly by the founder, Seneca Anderson. He sat across from me, looked me in the eyes, and said “You’re not going to die.” I cried, because it was the first time anyone spoke so confidently towards me and what seemed like an absolutely hopeless situation. I began the treatment plan, and within six months saw significant changes. I continued to return to Longevity for follow up evaluations as my body slowly healed.


Describe your overall health picture today. What improvements have you experienced over the years?

I have not tested positive for Lyme for over 3 years. My headaches have disappeared. My fatigue has diminished significantly, and the debilitating Herxheimer reactions are no longer recurring. Most importantly, the hopelessness that engulfed me is now gone. I realized that my condition is not permanent and I am able to live a life that not only has energy, but hope for a vibrant future.


What is your overall impression of Longevity Health Center, the practitioners and staff?

From the receptionists to the founders, every person was so incredibly patient, kind, and professional. When first arriving at Longevity, I had many questions, all of which were answered thoroughly, giving me a high level of confidence that my treatments were being carried out by highly competent practitioners.

If you have a testimonial to share, we’d love to hear from you and use your story to encourage others!


By Dr. Seneca & Kay Anderson, Longevity Founders 


We write to you today to officially announce our retirement at the end of May. This year we will turn 77 and 80 years old respectively (guess which one is oldest), and we feel that the time has come to live full-time at our home in the mountains of North Carolina. We have plenty of children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, projects, a garden, and animals to keep us busy in the days ahead! 

It’s hard to believe that 2023 marks 45 years since our health practice began! When we first started out, we had no idea that our vision for a natural health care center would flourish to the extent that it has. At that time, there was only one Naturopath in practice in the entire Atlanta area. A statutory definition of Naturopathy existed in the Georgia code, left over from a naturopathic board that had been eliminated due to a coordinated campaign by the Georgia Medical Association.

I, my wife Kay (pregnant with #6), along with our 5 children moved to the Atlanta area from Boston, where I had completed my acupuncture training, only to discover that there was no licensing available for acupuncturists in the state of Georgia. In fact, acupuncture was generally unheard of, as opposed to chiropractic, which was already well established due to the presence of Life Chiropractic College in Marietta. 

In 1978 I completed my Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine, and later went on to earn a Doctorate in Oriental Medicine. Kay and I opened our first practice in  September, 1978, the East West Center. We offered acupuncture, nutritional consultation, massage therapy, and various classes on natural healing and cooking. I, along with several like-minded patients made repeated attempts to introduce acupuncture into the Georgia legislature, but it was always firmly resisted by the medical association and its big pharma backers. In fact, it wasn’t until the late 1990’s that an article in a prestigious journal criticizing the way Georgia left acupuncture unregulated embarrassed the legislature to pass the identical legislation which they had previously failed to pass.

While working for acupuncture legislation, we attempted to conform our practice to the statutory definition of naturopathy, which reads something like: the diagnosis and treatment of human illness with the use of air, light, heat and cold, utilizing such substances, nutritional, as naturally required by the human body, excluding drugs, surgery and radiation.

Our practice thrived, but eventually I was charged with practicing medicine without a license. I argued that I wasn’t practicing medicine. I do not utilize drugs or surgery, but practice naturopathy

according to the statutory definition. By the grace of God, Judge Curtis Tillman ruled that I could continue my practice under supervision, and that the supervision could be provided by an MD, DO, or DC. This has effectively established a precedent which has allowed for other naturopaths to practice in Georgia. So much headway has been made in the state of Georgia and across the country over the last few decades, and as I write this, the future of natural healing looks bright indeed! 

As we look back on the last 45 years, we are grateful and humbled by the many thousands of people  who trusted us to guide them and their families on a path to better health. And, of course, we are especially thankful for all of the caring professionals who have come alongside us to help achieve positive results for so many patients. To God be all the glory! He has sustained us and upheld us all these years! We know that we are just vessels, and He is the Great Physician! 

As we prepare to retire, we are so proud to pass the torch into the capable hands of our daughter, Dr. Alice Honican, who has been a Lead Practitioner at Longevity for nearly two decades, as well as our daughter, Melina Smith, who has faithfully served as Director of Operations for more than 35 years. Alice is a skillful Acupuncturist, Herbalist, and gifted student (She recently completed her Doctorate in Oriental Medicine!), and it makes us so proud to watch her serve her patients with so much knowledge, care, and compassion. 

We are also so confident in the knowledgeable, skilled, and caring practitioners, therapists, and staff members who make up the Longevity team. Christina McMullen. ND, joined us some 15 years ago, and is like another daughter to us. As a young mother of four, she is particularly skillful at working with children. Anna Powers, ND, joined Longevity some 6 years ago. Anna was already an accomplished tester and neurofeedback practitioner, and we have all benefited from her warm disposition, humor, and compassion. While working at my side for the past ten years, my personal Patient Coordinator, Maria Jones, ND, also earned Certifications as a Master Herbalist, Holistic Health Practitioner, and Traditional Naturopath and she is now stepping into the practitioner role herself. Maria often knows what I’m thinking during a patient evaluation before I can even say it! 

To all our loyal and faithful patients over the years, we say a huge thank you. You’ll never know how much it means to our family and staff that you have trusted us with your health, and hopefully will continue to do so. We know that the Longevity mission to Love God and Serve People will be carried out for generations to come. We wish you abundant health in mind, body, and spirit! 


Doc & Kay 

Here at Longevity, we love hearing testimonials from our patients who have experienced amazing transformations with their health.  Enjoy this encouraging story from Julie V. whose son Gracen experienced amazing results with our Frequency Specific Microcurrent Therapy.  If you have a testimonial to share, we’d love to hear from you and use your story to encourage others!


Describe your son’s health concerns when you first started at Longevity. 


My son Gracen was 12 years old at the time, and a very active and talented multi-sport athlete. Doctors had diagnosed him with a condition called Osteonecrosis, commonly referred to as “Death of the Bone.” He had been kicked in the upper shin so many times playing sports that he had lost blood supply to his knee. The doctors were recommending multiple surgeries, and even then, complete healing did not look likely. Gracen  was in a lot of pain and his knee was giving out on him causing him to fall frequently.


What was your first experience with our office like? What was your son’s initial response to the treatments?


We were desperate for help and praying for answers, and I can confidently say that God led us to Longevity! The first time I called, the staff members were so kind, confident, and positive. They recommended Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) and assured us this therapy would help restore blood flow to the area. Gracen enjoyed visiting the clinic for his treatments. After only three sessions, all of his painful symptoms were completely gone!  We took him back for an X-ray, and where the bone was once completely black, it was now totally white again! The doctors said he was completely cured! 


Describe your son’s overall health picture today. What is your overall impression of Longevity Health Center, the practitioners and staff?  


Today Gracen is 16 years old and is still a stellar soccer and football athlete. He’s never again had any trouble with his knees! We are so thankful for Longevity and love telling people about the amazing staff members, and the way FSM helped Gracen keep doing what he loves.  I highly recommend this therapy for student athletes with injuries, or anyone dealing with pain and inflammation. 


Learn more about FSM at https://longevityhealth.com/fsm/