Tag Archive for: detox

By Mariela Amiri, Traditional Naturopath & Patient Coordinator


In part 1 of this series we dove into the world of parasites, looking at the types of organisms that can infect humans and the symptoms and havoc they can wreak in the body. Now let’s take a look at the holistic steps we can take to treat these infections and prevent these creepy crawlers from invading in the future. 


Bioenergetic Testing & Parasites

Bio energetic testing is a form of  testing that measures the energy frequencies of the body and looks for disturbances. It is used to detect many imbalances in the body including parasites. Bio energetic testing also customizes a more personalized approach to the client’s healing journey. We are all unique, so what works for one person may not work for the next. 


Parasites and the Detox Pathways 

Parasites hold onto, or “house” 6-8 times their weight in other toxins and  pathogens. They carry  mold, metals, Lyme pathogens,  viruses, pathogenic bacteria, retroviruses, chemicals, EMF and radiation! It is imperative for our detox pathways to be functioning properly in order to release parasites. 

When parasites poop, ammonia builds up and creates stagnation in our detox pathways, primarily in our lymphatic system. Once the lymphatic system gets congested, it will excrete build up wherever it can causing illnesses such as psoriasis, hives, acne, viruses etc. It’s super important to have those detox pathways working properly otherwise allergies, histamine intolerances, herxing and mast cell activation symptoms will occur.


Anti-parasitics To Detox and Support 

Here at Longevity, your practitioner can personalize a homeopathic remedy to detox from specific  parasites and give you drainage support. Certain homeopathics such as Drainage Tone will help detoxify and open up your detox pathways. Additionally, herbal remedies from Marco Pharma (Lymphonest, Bucco and Hepatica), will assist your liver, kidneys and lymphatic system in the detoxification process.  Binders such as GI Detox by Biocidin Botanicals or CellCore Biotoxin Binder (CellCore) are systemic binders that actually go into the  cells, glands, organs, tissues, blood, and mop up toxins such as  amonia (toxic byproduct of candida, yeast lyme, parasite and mold). 

Anti-parasitic herbs are essential for addressing parasites. We have various herbal combinations in our nutrition shop to choose from (both capsules and tinctures).


Supportive Detox Therapies for Parasites 

  • Coffee Enemas
  • Light Frequency
  • Ionic Foot Baths 
  • Ozone Rectal Insufflations 
  • PEMF 
  • Castor Oil Packs 
  • Detox Herbal Teas 
  • Electro-Lypmhatic Therapy 



Parasites & Diet 

Parasites love to eat, therefore they rob our vital nutrients. They love to steal our vitamins and nutrients, creating major nutritional deficiencies, leading to a whole bunch of issues and chronic illnesses. 

Diet plays a huge role in keeping parasites at bay.  In order to eliminate parasites, one must reduce sugar, which is the primary food source for parasites. Parasites secrete enzymes that make you crave the exact foods that they want (sugar, refined carbs). It is also recommended to avoid dairy, pork, grains, alcohol and raw fish. Strong stomach acid is also very important when addressing parasites.

Interesting fact: the top dairy-loving parasites are Intestinal flukes, Tapeworms, Hookworms, and Roundworms.  



Anti-parasitic  Foods and Herbs                                  

  • Pumpkin seeds                                      
  • Beets                                                           
  • Raw Garlic                                                 
  • Carrots
  • Pomegranate 
  • Cinnamon
  • Clove 
  • Papaya
  • Turmeric 
  • Papaya seeds & honey mixture                   
  • Green Tea
  • Ginger 
  • Rosemary 
  • Cayenne Pepper 
  • Thyme
  • Coconut Oil                        
  • Pomegranates                      


Parasites & the Full Moon 

What does the lunar cycle have to do with the creepy crawlers inside our bodies? Your circadian rhythm is synced with the moon cycles. During a full moon, you produce less melatonin and  more serotonin. 

Parasites love this shift in biochemistry! Melatonin is the neurotransmitter that helps control your immune system and keep pathogens and parasites in check/balance. With a lack of melatonin down regulating the immune system and a spike in serotonin enabling parasite mobility it’s the perfect time to implement a parasite cleanse.

During a full moon parasites are extremely active & defend themselves by producing more biofilm. This is why some people experienced heightened symptoms during a full moon. All of this makes a full moon a perfect time to target them. 

Before doing a full moon parasite cleanse, make sure your detox pathways are working! It is equally important to optimize stomach acid, address biofilm. Once a parasite cleanse is done , a protocol to support the immune system and strengthen the gut is recommended. 



By Dr. Alice Honican, ND, Bio-Energetic Practitioner, Licensed Acupuncturist


Some people are able to bounce back quickly from Covid-19, but many others are experiencing ongoing symptoms, even several months or years after they first tested positive for the virus. Here at Longevity, not a day goes by that we don’t hear from or meet with a patient who is dealing with long-term issues after a Covid infection. 

Post-Covid conditions are referred to by many names, such as Post-Covid Conditions, Post Acute Covid, Chronic Covid, and Long Covid. Some of the most common issues include chronic fatigue/fibromyalgia, endocrine dysfunction, brain fog, and hair loss. 

Covid-19 may be a relatively new virus, but post-viral syndromes are nothing new. Dr. Anderson and I, along with our team of Bioenergetic Practitioners, have been treating these types of chronic infections our entire careers. 


If you or a loved one  are navigating Long Covid, here are five things you may not know, and some holistic solutions to restore your vitality and quality of life soon. 


  1. Long Covid symptoms can be due to the reactivation of other dormant viruses in the system. 

All of us have dormant viruses in our system. The most common include those in the Herpes family, such as shingles, Simplex I (fever blisters), Epstein Barr/Mono, and Cytomegalovirus. These common infections are reactivated by stress, and bring their own set of symptoms, such as painful rashes, cold sores, and extreme fatigue. Over the last couple years, we’ve observed that many of our patients are dealing with the symptoms of these reactivated viruses long after they fight off Covid. 


  1. Covid takes a massive toll on cellular function. 

Covid infections are extremely damaging to the mitochondria, or powerhouse of the cells. Decreased mitochondrial function means less cellular energy, resulting in overall fatigue, muscle weakness, and brain fog. The best way to combat cellular damage and restore healthy function is with high-powered antioxidants, such as Vitamins C, E, Selenium, Manganese, Glutathione, COQ10, Alpha-Lipoic Acid, and Zinc. We can assess cellular function and pinpoint specific antioxidant deficiencies in your system so you can restore balance and get your energy back! 


  1. Long Covid targets the systems of the body that are already most compromised. 

We’ve noticed that the Covid-19 virus seems to impact people where they are weakest. If they had pre-existing endocrine issues, Covid may impact their thyroid, causing long-term hair loss, low energy, or metabolism issues. If they were already at risk or dealing with cardiovascular dysfunction, they may experience hypertension or blood clotting after a Covid infection. 


  1. Detoxification is your secret weapon! 

We’ve seen time and again that supporting the detoxification process is key in helping people suffering with Long Covid to feel better faster. We use homeopathic and herbal remedies that help open up the lymphatic system, liver, and kidneys, so the body can eliminate toxins more efficiently. Acupuncture can help open up all the energy channels in the body, which is imperative for the elimination of toxins. This sets the stage for the body to repair and maintain its own health. Our Supporting Therapies are a game changer for many people, as well. Lymphatic Therapy and HOCATT are particularly beneficial in speeding up the detoxification and healing process. 


  1. There is no one-size fits all approach to recovering from Long Covid.

Here at Longevity, we know that each person’s health picture is unique, and we’ve always treated each of our patients as an individual. A holistic approach to Long Covid is aimed at lowering the viral load, reducing the overall toxic burden, assessing specific nutritional deficiencies, and eliminating inflammatory foods and other problematic factors in the patient’s environment. 


If you are suffering with acute or Long Covid, our team is here to help, with a customized plan specific to your needs. We can get to the root of the issues you’re experiencing and rebuild your immune system with our holistic treatments, products, and detoxifying therapies. Give us a call today, and get your energy, vitality, and hope back!